Page 169 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 169

Lodge of the Nine Muses               169

               The report was adopted, but was never acted on.
               There is something to be said for the proposal; members will recall an
            occasion, not so very long ago, when our visitors were embarrassed by the
            discussion in their presence of the cost of the dinner with which they were
            about to be regaled!
               12 March 1907. An inscribed cigarette case was presented to Bro. F. Marshall
            Swindells, submanager of the Grand Hotel, in recognition of his services to the
               16 May 1911. Resolved unanimously
               That this Emergency Lodge of the Nine Muses held in anticipation of the
            Coronation of King George V (fixed for June 22d) hereby expresses its devoted
            loyalty to His Most Gracious Majesty and with reverence invokes the blessing
            of the Great Architect of the Universe upon him during what it is hoped may
            prove a long happy and glorious reign.
               5 February 1916. Reported; Bros. Major S. M. Tahourdin, P.D.G. W., Bengal,
            on active service Mesopotamia; Capt. Cohen still at the front in France, and
            Slater, recently in France, invalided home. Members upstanding did honour to
            these and other Masonic Brethren engaged on active service.
               No reference will be found to the services of present members of the Lodge
            during the war of 1914-18; this is in accordance with their wish.
               No member actually lost his life during the war. Bros. Tahourdin and
            Etlinger died in 1915 and 1916 respectively of wounds received in action, but
            both had resigned membership within the two years before 1914 on taking up
            appointments in India. Bro. Hennell, W.M. 1926, was permanently injured, and
            died after much ill-health and suffering in 1929.
               [14 February 1922] The W.M. [Bro. Forster] in announcing the retirement
            of Bro. Webb, owing to continued ill-health, from the office of Secretary, said
            he felt sure that the members would desire to put on record their grateful
            appreciation of his invaluable services to the Lodge, of which, for more than
            two generations, he had been the pillar and mainstay.
               A motion expressing regret was carried “with enthusiasm”.
               At the next meeting on 14 March,
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