Page 9 - Ickford NP Basic Conditions Statement
P. 9


                                         Policy            NPPF        Commentary
                                         ND2:  High Quality  124, 125, 127,  Seeks high quality design respecting the identity of
                                         Design            130         the local context.
                                         ND3:  New housing  124, 125, 127,  Seeks the highest quality of design for housing
                                         Development       128, 130, 108,  commitments in the village
                                         ND4: Housing mix  61          Requires a mix and variety of housing for all new
                                         and affordability             development, including less expensive market homes
                                                                       and affordable housing
                                         TT1:  Traffic and  102, 103, 104,  Takes account of the need to limit the impact on the
                                         Transport         108, 109, 110  road network and off street parking
                                         E1:  Economic     80, 83      Encourages economic activity in keeping with the
                                                                       opportunities village setting

                                         CF1:  Community   91, 92, 97  Promotes inclusion and opportunities for
                                         Facilities                    community cohesion whilst protecting existing
                                                                       community facilities

                                         4. Contribution to Sustainable


                                           4.1. Aylesbury Vale District Council has determined that a Strategic
                                         Environmental Assessment (SEA) and a Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA)
                                         was not required for the Neighbourhood Plan as it considered the policies were
                                         unlikely to have a significant environmental effect, as defined by the Environmental
                                         Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations 2004. The report is dated March

                                           4.2. The report concluded at paragraph 5.1 “it is not considered that the
                                         plan would be likely to give rise to significant environmental effects. On this
                                         basis a Sustainability Appraisal to meet the requirements for Strategic
                                         Environmental Assessment is not considered to be needed.” The Strategic
                                         Environmental Assessment Screening Report is attached at Appendix 1.

                                           4.3. However the basic condition of “contributing to the achievement of
                                         sustainable development” requires a broader scope of assessment to embrace
                                         social and economic as well as environmental objectives. For completeness
                                         therefore Table 2 summarises the economic, social and environmental attributes
                                         of each policy.

                                           4.4. The vision and objectives of the Neighbourhood Plan comprise a balance
                                         of social, economic and environmental goals. The social goals are to improve the
                                         amenities and of meeting the demand and need for new homes of the local
                                         community to allow a younger demographic to develop. Economic goals are
                                         limited in such a small village apart from encouraging broadband and local
                                         employment but the growth in the number of households in the parish over the
                                         plan period will help retain existing facilities. Environmental goals include the
                                         protection and enhancement of Ickford’s natural and historic environment.

                                         VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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