Page 7 - Ickford NP Basic Conditions Statement
P. 7


                                           2.2. IPC has consulted the local community extensively throughout the
                                         process including a questionnaire, drop-in days and exhibitions to obtain the fullest
                                         view of local community concerns, needs and wants from the Neighbourhood
                                         Plan. Relevant stakeholders have also been consulted including developers and
                                         landowners. Full details are set out in the Consultation Statement and appendices.

                                           2.3. It has also worked closely with officers of AVDC since the start of the
                                         project to collate and examine the evidence base, to design and iterate policy
                                         proposals and to define the proper relationship between the NP and the 2004
                                         Aylesbury Vale Local Plan and emerging policy in the Vale of Aylesbury Local
                                         Plan (VALP).

                                           2.4. The Plan has not duplicated policies, both saved and emerging which
                                         will be used in determining planning applications. This has allowed the
                                         Neighbourhood Plan to focus on a small number of locally relevant and important

                                         3. Conformity with National Planning


                                           3.1. The Neighbourhood Plan has been prepared with regard to national
                                         policies as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework 2012 (NPPF) and
                                         the revised Framework of February 2019 and is mindful of the National Planning
                                         Practice Guidance (NPPG) in respect of formulating neighbourhood plans.

                                           3.2. There are four NPPF paragraphs that provide general guidance on
                                         neighbourhood planning, to which the Neighbourhood Plan has directly

                                           3.3. Presumption in favour of sustainable development:

                                                 •  Paragraph 12: the development plan is the starting point for decision
                                                    making and this includes any neighbourhood plan.
                                                 •  Paragraph 13: neighbourhood plans should support the delivery of
                                                    strategic policies contained in local plans or spatial development
                                                    strategies and should shape and direct development that is outside
                                                    of these strategic policies.
                                                 •  Paragraph 14: reminds us of the adverse impact of allowing
                                                    development that conflicts with the neighbourhood plan is likely
                                                    to be significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits provided,
                                                    four criteria apply.

                                           3.4. The Parish Council believe that the neighbourhood plan is planning
                                         positively for future development in the parish and supports the delivery of the
                                         strategic policies of the adopted Local Plan as advised in the above paragraphs of
                                         the NPPF. Paragraph 18 and 21 advise that policies to address non-strategic matters
                                         and detailed matters should be included within neighbourhood plans, and the
                                         Ickford Neighbourhood Plan contains such policies.

                                         VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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