Page 12 - Ickford NP Basic Conditions Statement
P. 12


                 5.5. The 2004 AVDLP could not, of course, have anticipated the existence of
               the Localism Act almost a decade later and so made no provision for translating
               generic planning policy into a distinct parish-based plan. The Neighbourhood
               Plan generally conforms to the relevant saved policies of the Aylesbury Vale District
               Local Plan (AVDLP) of 2004. The policies starting with GP are all those that are
               saved which are applicable to the whole district, including Ickford, except GP3
               as this was superseded by the NPPF. There is no definition of ‘strategic’ policy
               available for the AVDLP, so all the relevant saved policies are listed below. All of
               the policies for Rural Areas (starting with RA) which are not location specific,
               are applicable. There are a large number of other saved policies, but most of them
               are not relevant to the Neighbourhood Plan.

                 Table 3: Conformity with AVDLP Saved Policies

               AVDLP Subject      Neighbourhood How the Neighbourhood
               Policy             Plan Policy     Plan conforms with AVDC Policies
               GP2     Affordable                 Whilst affordable housing is not specifically
                       Housing    ND3, ND4        sought in the policies over and above Local Plan
                                                  requirements, smaller homes are sought which
                                                  may be cheaper to purchase. AVDC will
                                                  determine if affordable units are sought on the
                                                  site through the planning application process.

               GP4     Affordable  ND4            This policy applies to all housing
                       housing on                 developments.
                       small sites
               GP8     Protection  ND2, ND3       Protects amenities of residents against impact
                       of Amenity                 new development.
                       of Residents
               GP17    Retention in  E1           Allows rural employment to expand where
                       use of existing            appropriate.
               GP24    Car parking  TT1           The parking standards do not conflict with the
                       guidelines                 parking standards used by AVDC.

               GP32    Retention of  CF1          Protects and supports facilities.
                       shops, public
                       houses and
                       post offices
               GP35    Design of  BEH2, ND2, ND3  Protect and enhance built and natural qualities,
                       new                        features, historic environment of the Parish.
               GP38    Landscaping  NE1, ND2, ND3  Provision of landscaping.
                       of new

               GP39    Existing   NE1, NE2        Establishes need to retain trees and hedgerows.
                       trees and

               GP40    Retention of  NE1          Establishes need to retain trees and hedgerows.
                       existing trees
                       and hedgerows

                                                VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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