Page 6 - Ickford NP Basic Conditions Statement
P. 6


                 1.3. The policies described in the Neighbourhood Plan relate to the
               development and use of land in the designated Neighbourhood Area and do not
               relate to any other designated Neighbourhood Area. The plan period is from 1st
               April 2019 to 31st March 2033 and it does not contain policies relating to excluded
               development in accordance with the Regulations. The document also contains a
               number of non-statutory proposals that relate to local planning matters in Section
               13, Implementation, Monitoring and Review which do not form part of the
               examined ‘neighbourhood development plan’ but provides a ‘wish list’ that has
               emerged during consultation that the Parish Council have considered during the
               preparation of the document.

                 1.4. The Statement addresses each of the four ‘basic conditions’ required of
               the Regulations and explains how the submitted Neighbourhood Plan meets the
               requirements of paragraph 8 of schedule 4B to the Town and Country Planning
               Act 1990.

                 1.5. The Regulations state that a Neighbourhood Plan will be considered to
               have met the basic conditions if:

                       •  Having regard to National Policies and advice contained in guidance
                          issued by the Secretary of State, it is appropriate to make the
                          neighbourhood development plan
                       •  The making of the neighbourhood development plan contributes
                          to the achievement of sustainable development
                       •  The making of the neighbourhood development plan is in general
                          conformity with the strategic policies contained in the development
                          plan for the area of the authority (or any part of that area)
                       •  The making of the neighbourhood development plan does not
                          breach, and is otherwise compatible with EU obligations

               2. Background

                 2.1. The plan preparation has been led by IPC, through the Neighbourhood
               Plan Steering Group. It has comprised three main stages:

                       •  Evidence gathering which has been set out in the Background
                          Evidence Report (final version dated September 2019), a report
                          that summarised background evidence on which the INP is based.
                       •  Draft Neighbourhood Plan April 2019 (Pre-submission version),
                          the draft plan and accompanying background documents were
                          published for 6 weeks in accordance with regulation 14 of the
                       •  Submission Neighbourhood Plan (November 2019) which takes
                          into account representations received on the earlier version and
                          has been modified for submission to AVDC; it is accompanied by
                          the Background Evidence Report, Built Heritage Assessment, Basic
                          Conditions Statement and the Consultation Statement.

                                                VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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