Page 8 - Ickford NP Basic Conditions Statement
P. 8


                 3.5. Advice on non-strategic policies and the role of neighbourhood plans is
               identified in paragraphs 29 and 30. The Ickford Neighbourhood Plan establishes a
               shared vision for the area and its policies shape, direct and help deliver sustainable
               development. It has sought to translate objectives into a number of meaningful planning
               policies to complement other development plan policies for managing development.

                 3.6. The Neighbourhood Plan strikes a positive balance between the policy
               constraints of the Parish and the need to support the general requirements of the
               development plan as set out in section 5 below.

                 3.7. The Neighbourhood Plan avoids duplicating development plan policies
               by focusing on site-specific policies that translate the general requirements of the
               development plan into an Ickford context. Once made, the Neighbourhood Plan
               should be easily considered alongside the development plan and any other material
               considerations in determining planning applications.

                 3.8. Set out below is a brief summary of how each policy conforms to the
               NPPF. The particular paragraphs referred to in the table are those considered the
               most relevant to each policy but are not intended to be an exhaustive list of all
               possible relevant paragraphs.

                 Table 1: NPPF Conformity

               Policy            NPPF        Commentary

               NE1:  Landscape   127, 170, 171  Supports the protection of key views, landscape
               Views and Dark Skies          features and dark skies, whilst encouraging
                                             appropriate additional landscaping.

               NE2:  Green       170, 171, 174,  Supports improvement and provision of green
               Infrastructure and  175       infrastructure and net gains for biodiversity
               NE3:  Local Green  99, 100, 01,  Designates and seeks to protect the important
               Space             127,        green spaces in the villagegreen spaces in the village
               BEH1:  Heritage Assets 184, 185, 189,  Seeks to conserve, enhance and promote the
                                 190, 192, 193,  historic environment
                                 194, 195

               BEH2:  Design in the  184, 185, 192  The policy supports development provided it
               Conservation Area             conserves and enhances the Conservation Area.
               BEH3: The Setting of  184, 185, 197  The policy supports development provided in
               the Conservation Area         contributes to the character of the setting of the
                                             conservation area
               BEH4:  Non Designated 184, 185, 197  Identifies buildings of local note and seeks to protect
               Heritage Assets               them in accordance with the balanced judgement
               F1:  Flooding     155, 157,163  Expects development to be designed as to not
                                             increase flooding.
               ND1:  Settlement  11, 68,78,79a  This policy establishes a settlement boundary
                                             for Ickford. It directs development to the built up
                                             areas identified in Annex 1 of the plan reflecting the
                                             presumption in favour of sustainable development.
                                             Development outside the boundary is should accord
                                             with 79a

                                                VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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