Page 10 - Ickford NP Basic Conditions Statement
P. 10


                  4.5. However, the goals make clear that there are environmental parameters
               within which these social and economic goals must be kept by ensuring
               development is in scale with the rural character of the existing parish.

                  4.6. The chosen policies therefore translate the objectives of the
               Neighbourhood Plan into viable and effective development management policies
               which will deliver strong social and environmental impacts, lesser on the economic
               aspect of sustainable development.

                  4.7. The sustainability attributes of each policy are summarised in the table

                   able 2: Sustainability  Sustainability AttributesAttributes
                   able 2: Sustainability Attributes
                  T T T T Table 2:able 2: Sustainability  Sustainability AttributesAttributes
                   able 2:
               Key:     *  positive  – neutral      x  negative
               Policy           Soc Econ Env Commentary

               NE1:  Landscape   *     –    *    Protection and enhancement of the
               Views and Dark Skies              landscape and retention of dark skies are
                                                 clearly very positive for the environment
                                                 and for wellbeing of people.
               NE2:  Green       *     –    *    In economic terms this is a neutral policy
               Infrastructure and                but it is positive in environmental and social
               Biodiversity                      terms. It seeks to ensure that important
                                                 ecological and biodiversity features are
                                                 retained and enhanced.
               NE3:  Local Green  *    –    *    This policy protects green spaces from being
               Space                             developed and therefore has a positive social and
                                                 environmental impact.
               BEH1:  Heritage Assets  *  –  *

               BEH2:  Design in the  *  –   *    All these policies will deliver a very positive
               Conservation Area                 impact on the historic environment and enhance
               BEH3: The Setting of  *  –   *    the wellbeing of residents through sympathetic
               the Conservation Area             design.
               BEH4: Non Designated  *  –   *
               Heritage Assets
               BEH4: Non Designated  *  –   *
               Heritage Assets
               F1: Flooding      ***             This policy has a positive impact on all three
                                                 aspects of sustainability. Reduction or at least not
                                                 worsening the flooding in the village will allow
                                                 residents to get to work and businesses to carry
                                                 on functioning.

               ND1: Settlement   *     –    *    New development is directed inside the built up
               Boundary                          area of the settlement, protecting the countryside
                                                 and delivering a positive environmental impact.
                                                 New development will provide a positive social
               ND2:  High Quality  *   –    *    Good design for new development will bring
               Design                             positive benefits to the built environment and
                                                 enjoyment of the village.

                                                VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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