Page 11 - Ickford NP Basic Conditions Statement
P. 11


                                         Policy           Soc Econ Env Commentary
                                         ND3:  New housing  –   *     x    New development brings positive economic
                                         Development                      benefits in terms of employment during the
                                                                          construction phase and by supporting the village
                                                                          facilities. It does have a negative environmental
                                                                          impact because the sites being developed are
                                                                          currently green field sites.
                                         ND4:  Housing mix  *   –     –   A housing mix which reflects the needs of the
                                         and affordability                village will bring positive social benefits
                                                                          by rebalancing the housing stock towards
                                                                          smaller homes.

                                         TT1:  Traffic and  *   –     *   Encouragement of non-vehicular transport and
                                         Transport                        ensuring pedestrian safety will bring environmental
                                                                          and social benefits.
                                         E1: Economic     **          –   Retaining and encouraging local businesses will
                                         opportunities                    have  positive social and economic effects.
                                         CF1:   Community  *    –     –    The retention and encouragement of community
                                         Facilities                        facilities will clearly be positive in terms of well
                                                                          being and social aspects of village life.

                                         5. General Conformity with Strategic
                                             Local Policy

                                           5.1. The determination of how the Neighbourhood Plan is in general
                                         conformity with the strategic policies of the emerging development plan has
                                         proven to be a challenge during its preparation given that the most up to date
                                         version of the Local Plan following examination has only just been published.
                                         Whilst the saved policies of the 2004 Aylesbury Vale District Local Plan (AVDLP)
                                         have been helpful in shaping the Neighbourhood Plan, there is currently no up-
                                         to-date Local Plan in respect of providing a firm housing supply position.

                                           5.2. The Vale of Aylesbury Plan (VAP) that was intended by the District
                                         Council to provide the strategic planning policy framework to 2031 was
                                         withdrawn from its examination in January 2014. The District Council is currently
                                         preparing a Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan (VALP) comprising strategic,
                                         development management and site allocation policies but this is not likely to be
                                         adopted until 2020. Proposed Modifications following Examination have recently
                                         been published for consultation (5th November 2019).

                                           5.3. The Neighbourhood Plan has considered many of the evidence base
                                         documents for VALP as set out in the Background Evidence Report (Page 7)
                                         including the HELAA v4, the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment and Landscape
                                         Character Assessment reports.

                                           5.4. IPC accepts that the limited level of services in the village and the
                                         relatively unsustainable location have given rise to an allocation for 20 dwellings
                                         through the VALP (Submission Version) for housing growth contributing towards
                                         the overall need for the whole Aylesbury Vale area. This approach has now been
                                         overtaken by events which has resulted in 30 dwellings being given planning
                                         permission on the allocated site plus another 66 at Appeal at Worminghall Road.

                                         VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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