Page 9 - Ickford NP Background Evidence
P. 9


          POLICY                    RELEVANT OBJECTIVES                         HOW IT AFFECTS OUR
                                                                                NEIGHBOURHOOD  PLAN

           Vale of Aylesbury        The VALP is a comprehensive development plan  By the time the
           Local Plan               document currently being produced by AVDC.  Neighbourhood Planning
           (2013 to 2033)                                                       process is complete, the VALP
                                                                                will be the Local Plan that the
                                                                                NP must be in conformity
                                                                                with. As such its progress
                                                                                affects the Neighbourhood Plan
                                                                                more than any other listed

           Buckinghamshire          This report was prepared for Buckinghamshire,  The report should be
           Housing and              including AVDC by ORS and Atkins. It sets out  considered as part of the
           Economic                 the dynamics of the housing market and      evidence base for the NP.
           Development Needs        economy within the Vale (and County), assesses
           Assessment               population trends, and develops a number of
           (Update) 2016            linked scenarios for future housing
                                    development and employment growth. It will
                                    be a background document for the VALP

           Aylesbury Vale Green     The Aylesbury Vale Green Infrastructure Strategy  The Plan objectives should
           Infrastructure           sets the framework for the creation and     incorporate the aspirations of
           Strategy 2011            management of Green Infrastructure (GI) in the  the Green Infrastructure
                                    Aylesbury Vale District. The strategy identifies  Strategy. In addition to this, the
                                    the Northern part of the District as an area  strategy should be realised in
                                    lacking in GI provision. It provides 9 principles  conjunction with existing
                                    for the creation of successful GI           Landscape Character
                                                                                Assessment (2008) as well as
                                                                                the Buckinghamshire and
                                                                                Milton Keynes Biodiversity
                                                                                Action Plan (2009).

           Aylesbury Vale           The 2016 Housing & Economic Land            The findings of the SHLAA
           HEELA v4 2017            Availability was produced in compliance with  should inform the options stage
                                    the NPPF to inform the VALP. Sites were     of the SA and Site Selection/
                                    identified and assessed according to various  assessment. 4 sites were
                                    criteria across all of the District.        proposed and assessed in Ickford
                                                                                for housing. (Page 401) Only 1
                                                                                for 5 dwellings was identified as
                                                                                suitable for 5 units.

          Aylesbury Vale            This assessment was undertaken to provide a  The data in the SFRA can be
          Strategic Flood Risk      robust evidence base for flooding across the vale  utilised at the options stage
          Assessment Level 1        and to determine its implications on land-use  whilst its findings more generally
          (2017)                    planning.                                   are cited in the scoping report
                                                                                when describing flooding issues
                                                                                in Ickford.

                                         VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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