Page 11 - Ickford NP Background Evidence
P. 11


           Review of Evidence                                 Local level designations

           Biodiversity, Flora and Fauna                   Ickford and the surrounding area provides a habitat for a range
        Plans and programmes at all levels focus on the conservation  of flora and fauna. The characteristics of the habitat are
        of biological diversity (including a reduction in the current  meadowland, river and ditches, well established hedgerows
        rate of biodiversity loss), and the protection and monitoring  and some woodland. Historically annual flooding in the vicinity
        of endangered and vulnerable species and habitats. Emphasis  enables, particularly in winter and spring, important migratory
        is also placed on the ecological importance of brownfield sites,  bird species to prosper.
        geodiversity, and enhancing areas of woodland and other  The Fauna recorded includes 21 species of butterfly, 36
        important habitats. The integration of biodiversity  bird species and more than 12 different mammals. The local
        considerations into all environmental and socio-economic  habitat also supports a range of moths and other insect and
        planning is strongly advocated.                    reptile species. Predominately these recordings are verified
                                                           by wildlife specialists including BBONT, British Butterfly
           National Designations                           Conservation Trust and others who survey the locality on an
        There are no national nature designations within the Parish  ongoing basis.
        area. Within the Aylesbury Vale District there are several  The Flora of the area is typical of a meadow and riverside
        national designations including Sites of Special Scientific  environment though modern day agricultural practices have
        Interest and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, however  impacted the range of wildflowers recordable. The surrounding
        none of these lie close to the Ickford Neighbourhood Area so  area once had extensive numbers of Elm trees but now Oaks,
        development in Ickford is unlikely to have a negative impact  Willow, Lime trees and Black Poplar are notable. In the
        upon these designations.                           churchyard and Rectory there are examples of a number of
           The “appropriate assessment” for Aylesbury Vale has scoped  different specimen trees with ancient Yew and Lime trees being
        out any impact on European designated sites close to Ickford.  fine examples.
                                                              A Survey has been carried out as part of the Neighbourhood
           (Extract From Ickford Fact Pack)                Plan process and the results are appended at Appendix A.

                                         VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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