Page 7 - Ickford NP Background Evidence
P. 7


           Policy Context                                  The Ickford Neighbourhood Plan is proposing future
                                                           development in line with the district planning policy – the
        The Neighbourhood Plan will be influenced in various ways  Vale of Aylesbury Plan. The district wide SA scoping report
        by other policies, plans or programmes, or by external  has already identified the majority of plans or programmes
        sustainability objectives such as those laid down in policies or  covering Ickford parish, but relevant policy documents are
        legislation.                                       listed below.

           Relevant programmes and Policies

          POLICY                    RELEVANT OBJECTIVES                         HOW IT AFFECTS OUR
                                                                                NEIGHBOURHOOD  PLAN

          European Policy           The Water Framework Directive (WFD) aims to  The NP will need to ensure
          European Water            improve the quality of water through the    that it does not conflict with
          Framework Directive,      establishment of river basin districts, for which  the aims of the Water Directive.
          December 2000             environmental objectives will be set, including
          (transposed into English  ecological targets for surface waters.  The Water
          and Welsh law in          Framework Directive will help protect and
          December 2003)            enhance the quality of; surface freshwater
                                    (including lakes, streams and rivers);
                                    groundwaters; groundwater dependent
                                    ecosystems estuaries and coastal waters out to
                                    one mile from low-water.

          Floods & Water            Floods & Water Management Act seeks to      The NP will need to take into
          Management Act 2010       “localise” responsibility for flood risk, particularly  account the requirements of the
                                    from ordinary watercourses. Key policies within  Act and accompanying evidence
                                    the act include: providing the Environment  documents through working with
                                    Agency with an overview of all flood and coastal  the Environment Agency and
                                    erosion risk management and unitary and county  water companies where
                                    councils to lead in managing the risk of all local  development might affect flood
                                    floods; encouraging the uptake of sustainable  risk.  The NP will also need to
                                    drainage systems and providing for county   take into account the findings of
                                    councils to adopt Sustainable Urban Drainage  the AV Strategic Flood Risk
                                    Systems for new developments and            Assessment 2012, Water Cycle
                                    redevelopments;                             Study 2017 and Buckinghamshire
                                                                                County Council’s Preliminary
                                                                                Flood Risk Assessment 2011.

        National Planning           The NPPF is a concise replacement for       The ethos of sustainable
        Policy Framework            Planning Policy Statements. Its key principle is  development that the NPPF
        (2019)                      the delivery of sustainable development and it  promotes should be assumed
                                    provides the government’s policy for achieving  throughout the
                                    this in the following areas:                Neighbourhood Planning
                                       1. Ensuring the vitality of town centres  process. More specifically the
                                       2. Building a strong, competitive economy  objectives of the plan closely
                                       3. Ensuring the vitality of town centres  mirror those of the NPPF
                                       4. Promoting healthy and safe communities  (with some omissions and
                                       5. Promoting sustainable transport       additions given the flexibility
                                       6. Supporting high quality communications  of Neighbourhood Planning).
                                          infrastructure                        The NPPF’s instruction on
                                         VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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