Page 8 - Ickford NP Background Evidence
P. 8


                 POLICY                    RELEVANT OBJECTIVES                         HOW IT AFFECTS OUR
                                                                                       NEIGHBOURHOOD  PLAN

                                           7.   Making effective use of land           the relationship between the
                                           8.   Achieving well designed places         Local Plan and
                                           9.   Protecting Green Belt land             Neighbourhood Planning
                                           10. Meeting the challenge of climate change,  should also be acknowledged
                                              flooding and coastal change              through close working with
                                           11. Conserving and enhancing the natural    the Local Authority. Most
                                              environment                              importantly, all policies
                                           12. Conserving and enhancing the historic   generated throughout the
                                              environment                              planning process should be
                                           13. Facilitating the sustainable use of minerals  cross-referenced against the
                                              The NPPF also provides important guidance  relevant section in the NPPF
                                              on the role of Neighbourhood Planning.   to ensure conformity.
                                              Neighbourhood Planning is described as a
                                              ‘powerful set of tools’  although there are
                                              several conditions attached to its use. Most

                                           • Neighbourhood Plans should be in general
                                              conformity with the strategic policies of the
                                              Local Plan and so should support rather
                                              than undermine these policies.

                                           • Neighbourhood Plans should not promote
                                              less development than set out in the Local

                 Aylesbury Vale District   This is the current statutory development plan  The policies can be considered
                 Local Plan (2004)         for the area. No large scale housing or     as an umbrella statement of
                                           employment development is proposed for      policy affecting Ickford. They
                                           Ickford parish. The most relevant part of the  will be replaced by the Local
                                           Plan is Chapter 10: Rural Areas.            Plan and NP as the statutory
                                           ‘The strategy of the Plan as a whole is to concentrate  development plan for the area.
                                           most development at Aylesbury and then at the largest
                                           rural settlements of Buckingham, Wendover, Winslow
                                           and Haddenham. The general strategy for the Rural
                                           Areas is to apply more restrictive policies controlling
                                           housing development than has been the case in the
                                           past.  This is to ensure that most development is in
                                           the most sustainable locations.  Therefore, in smaller
                                           settlements, development will be severely restricted,
                                           and in the countryside, development will only be
                                           permitted in exceptional circumstances.’ All policies
                                           except those relating to Green Belt, AONB and
                                           special landscape areas are relevant to
                                           consideration for proposals in Ickford parish.

                                                VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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