Page 10 - Ickford NP Background Evidence
P. 10


                 POLICY                    RELEVANT OBJECTIVES                         HOW IT AFFECTS OUR
                                                                                       NEIGHBOURHOOD  PLAN

                 Aylesbury Vale Water      This strategy was produced to ensure that future  The strategy was undertaken
                 Cycle Strategy Phase 1    development does not overwhelm existing water  with regional strategy growth
                 (2017)                    infrastructure and identified technical problems  figures in mind, its findings are
                                           and solutions to ensure this.               therefore not reliable
                                                                                       considering types and locations
                                                                                       of potential development are
                                                                                       likely to be different now.
                                                                                       However, the raw data used and
                                                                                       generated by the document will
                                                                                       be useful when refining options.

                 Aylesbury Vale            This document provides a full description of  Evidence in the LCA for the
                 Landscape Character       the landscape typology across the Vale.     landscapes around Ickford
                 Assessment (2008)                                                     should be used where

                 Buckinghamshire           This is the primary document outlining      The Neighbourhood Plan
                 County Council Local      Buckinghamshire’s transport policies and    objectives should
                 Transport Plan 4          strategies over the period 2016-2036. In    accommodate the priorities of
                 (2016) and Local Area     addition to the generic aspirations and     the BLTP and alternatives
                 Transport Plans           objectives across the county.               should be developed within
                                                                                       this appraisal that deliver upon
                                                                                       its aspirations.

                 Buckinghamshire &         This report and technical appendices explains  Evidence in the HLC for the
                 Milton Keynes             how and why the landscapes looks as it does,  landscapes around Ickford
                 Historic Landscape        how old the landscapes are and how they have  should be used where
                 Characterisation 2006     changed due to human processes              appropriate.

                 Buckinghamshire                                                       Evidence in the record for
                 Historic Environment                                                  Ickford should be taken into
                 Record                                                                account where appropriate.

                 Settlement Hierarchy      The aim of the assessment is to determine the  Ickford is a ‘smaller village’
                 Assessment 2017           capacity of settlements to accommodate      due to its lack of local services
                                           sustainable development and the likely role of  and distance from a main town
                                           each settlement within the district.        (Thame 4.5 miles)

                 Information Sources
               The sections below cover evidence, much of which is drawn from the Ickford
               ‘Fact-Pack’ (FP) produced by the District Council to describe the baseline
               environment for the Ickford but also from the 2001 & 2011 Census and AVDC
               monitoring information

                                                VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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