Page 5 - Ickford NP Background Evidence
P. 5


                                                                                  Evidence Report


           Purpose of this Background Evidence Report        How the Neighbourhood Plan fits within the
        This document is the Background Evidence Report for the  Local Plan
        Ickford Neighbourhood Plan. It brings together all the  The Neighbourhood Plan will be in conformity with national
        information used to provide evidence for the policies in  planning policies and the Aylesbury Vale District Plan
        the Neighbourhood Plan.                            (2004)(saved policies), which sets the strategic planning
           Some issues will be dealt with elsewhere by the parish  context and policies for the District. The Neighbourhood Plan
        council, not all identified issues will appear as policies in  will therefore draw on neighbourhood planning principles,
        the Neighbourhood Plan.                            developing more detailed policies specific to Ickford.
                                                             Following a finding by the Planning Inspectorate that
                                                           certain aspects of the Vale of Aylesbury Plan were unsound,
                                                           the Plan was withdrawn on 5 February 2014. Aylesbury
           What is a Neighbourhood Development Plan?       Vale District Council (AVDC) are developing a new plan:
        A Neighbourhood Development Plan (NP or            the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan (VALP).This will include
        ‘Neighbourhood Plan’) is a new way for communities  the overall strategy for the district, alongside site
        to decide the future of the places where they live and  allocations, and development management policies. In
        work which was introduced by the Localism Act 2011.  summer 2016, a Draft Plan was published and in Autumn
        It seeks to enable local communities to take a more  2017, the Submission Draft was published. The Plan was
        active role in the development of planning policies at a  submitted for Examination in February 2018 and
        neighbourhood level and the preparation of         Examination Hearings took place in July 2018. Interim
        development proposals, reflecting local need and   findings of the Inspector can be found on the Aylesbury
        aspirations. Once adopted a NP is a material       Vale District Council website. This Plan is at an advanced
        consideration and has the same weight in decision  stage, and the direction of the policies has been taken into
        making as the district local plan.                 account in the drafting of the Neighbourhood Plan.

                                         VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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