Page 28 - Ickford NP Background Evidence
P. 28


               Economic Factors


               The improvement and maintenance of high and stable levels  The three biggest areas of employment for Ickford
               of economic growth and employment are key aims of the  residents are real estate, renting and business activities,
               strategies at UK and European levels. Other objectives  followed by wholesale and retail, and finally
               include improvements to the education system to increase  manufacturing industry. These three sectors account for
               the skill levels of both children and adults; and improved  51.3% of the population.
               productivity and innovation, particularly with regards to  Our own research has identified that in addition to
               technology. At a regional and local level emphasis is placed  the Rising Sun Public House, Village shop and the school
               on community regeneration; improvements to the cultural  all of which provide some local employment to a greater
               and visitor economy; inward investment; and the use of  or lesser extent, there are only three other businesses
               Information and Communications Technology (ICT) to  in the village that provide employment within the Parish.
               improve efficiency and skills.                     The strategic location of the village makes it an ideal
                                                                  place to live and commute to work in Thame, Aylesbury,
                                                                  Oxford, M40 corridor and London The Ickford Fact
                 Employment and Jobs
                                                                  Pack showed that the average distance travelled to work
               According to the 2011 census most people aged 16- 74 in  is 21.9 km, with over three quarters of people
               the parish {74%} are employed. 24% of the population  employment age 16- 74 travelling to work by car, van
               aged 16 – 74 are economically inactive, this includes for  or motorcycle. Only 6% used public transport, whilst
               example, people in further education, students and retired.  some 15% use other means or work from home.
               The remaining 2% are unemployed.

                              Economic Activity                               Mode of Travel to Work




                                                   74%                                                 79%

                         All people aged 16 to 74: Economically             All people aged 16 to 74: in employment:
                         active: Employed                                   Travel to work by public transport

                         All people aged 16 to 74: Economically             All people aged 16 to 74: in employment
                         active: Unemployed                                 by other means or work at home

                        All people aged 16 to 74: Economically              All people aged 16 to 74: in employment :
                        inactive                                            Travel to work by motorcycle; car or van

                Source: 2001 census, © Crown copyright  Source: 2001 census, © Crown copyright

                                                VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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