Page 66 - Vauxhall 20-60 H.P. (R Type) Chassis Shop Manual
P. 66


                         GROUP VIII

                         ELECTRICAL SYSTEM


                         ADDING WATER TO BATTERY

         SECTION         The electrolyte in the battery must cover the plates, and should be just
            350          below the bottom of the vent plugs. Distilled water should be added once
                         weekly to keep the level up to this point. Do not add acid except as directed
                         in ( Section 351 ). It is essential that water used to fill up the battery is
                         distilled, as tap water contains metals in solution which will ultimately give
                         rise to troubles.

                         Never keep distilled water in a metal container of any description.

                         SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF ELECTROLYTE

         SECTION         As the battery is charged and discharged the electrolyte reacts chemically
            351          with the plates of the battery, the specific gravity of the electrolyte

                         changing as the reaction proceeds. The state of charge of the battery is
                         thus indicated by the specific gravity of the electrolyte. As the battery is
                         charged, the specific gravity of the electrolyte increases, reaching 1 285 t0
                         1 300 when the battery is fully charged and as the battery is discharged the
                         specific gravity of the electrolyte decreases, reaching approximately 1 150
                         when the battery is fully discharged.

                         The specific gravity of the acid should be tested by means of a Lucas Syphon
                         Hydrometer, see that the electrolyte in the battery is at its correct level.
                         Readings should be taken after a run on the car, when the electrolyte will be
                         thoroughly mixed.

                         To assemble the hydrometer insert the float, thin end first, into the barrel,
                         then wet the plug carrying the rubber tube and push it into position and the
                         instrument is ready for use. Holding the instrument vertically compress the
                         bulb and insert the red rubber tube as far as possible into the electrolyte, then
                         gradually release the pressure on the bulb until the electrolyte rises in the
                         barrel to lift the hydrometer float about 1 / 2 ”. Removing the hydrometer from
                         the cell, note the scale reading at the surface of the electrolyte, and this gives
                         the specific gravity. Care must be taken that the stem of the float does not
                         touch any point of the barrel or bulb while the reading is being taken.

                         REPLACING ACID

         SECTION         Acid should only be added if some has been spilled or leaked from the cells.
            352          The best brimstone sulphuric acid must be used, diluted with distilled water
                         to a specific gravity of 1 225/1 285 at 6o° F. The proportion is one part of
                         acid to four parts of water by volume.

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