Page 213 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 213

Lodge of the Nine Muses               213

              DATE         NAMES              BUSINESS OR   RESIDENCE
              1897 Mar. 9  I  BAYLOR, Armistead Keith.      23 Cadogan Man-
                           R. 8.12.1903·(SJ 1899)           sions, Kensington,
              1898 Feb. 1  I  FORSTER, Arthur Francis.      28 Lincoln’s Inn
                           W.M. 1914 & 1922. R.             Fields
                           10.12.1901. Rj. 16·5·11
              1898 Feb. 1  I  WALLER, John Edward. W.M.     29 Gt. George St.,
                           1907. R·9·12.1924                Westminster
              1899 Apl. 11  J  MACBRIDE, Robt. Knox,        II 8 Victoria St.,
                           C.M.G. (Kandy L. Ceylon          Westminster
                           1388.) R. 9.2.1904 (SJ 1900)
              1901 Feb. 12  I  PAGE, Ernest, Q.C. W.M. 08;   78 Qgeen’s Gate,
                           R. 8.2.16                        S.W
              1901 Apl. 12  J  MACKENZIE, Sir Jas.          of Tarbet and 19
                           Kenneth Douglas, Bart. (late     GlazburyRd.,W
                           Probity L. 61). R. 8.12.03
              1901 May 14  I  WOOD, Ernest. W.M. 09. R.  Merchant  Silvermere, Cob-
                           8.2.21. d. reported 15.2.26.     ham.
              1901 May 14  I  OLDFIELD, Herbert Rooke.  (SJ 1923)
                           W.M. ‘10 & ‘27 (the sesqui-
                           centenary); L.R.; R. 15.11.37;
                           d 1.12.40
              1902 Mar. 11  J  VERNET, Henry Augustus.   Merchant Banker   66 New Broad St.,
                           W.M. ‘11 & ‘24; L.R.;   (SJ 1923)  E.C.
                           Controller of Paper during
                           WW1; Deputy Chairman
                           Underground Elec. Ry. Co.,
                           before L.T.B.; Chairman
                           Central Argentine Rly., 31. d.
              1902 Apl. 14  J  CLARKE, Douglas   Gentleman
                           Willwood. (Ockenden L.
                           1465.) W.M. ‘12. R. 12.11.18
              1902 Nov. 11   J  MORTIMER, Chas. Edwd.   Solicitor
                           (late Loyalty & Charity L.
                           1584). C.M. 9.2.09
              1902 Dec. 9   J  CLARKE, .Arthur Lacy   Gentleman
                           Compton. (Ockenden L.
                           1465.) R. 10.12.12
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