Page 186 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 186

186                    An Account of the

               DATE         NAMES              BUSINESS OR   RESIDENCE
               1797 July 29  I  O’KEEFE, Denis De Ville 69  Do
               1797 July 29  I  O’KEEFE, Gabriel Denis De   Do
               1797 July 29  I  HINCKES, William. Miniature  Portrait painter.
                            Painter; exhibited at R.A.
                            ‘81-‘97. Born in Waterford;
                            eventually settled in London.
               1797 July 29  J  JONES, James.  Gentleman     St. George’s Fields
               1797Oct. 138  I  KINGER, Andrie Lourens.  Gentleman  Bishopsgate Street.
               1799 Nov. 17  I  *RANCLIFFE, Lord. Thomas  1  G.M. English KT.;
                            Boothby Parkyns, 1st Lord   1  G.P.
                            Rancliffe in the Peerage of
                            Ireland ’95. b ‘55. d, 1800,
                            Date of joining or initiation
                            not known. P.G.M. Notts.
                            ‘83; P.G.M. Derbyshire,
                            Leicestershire and Rutland, ‘89.
                            W.M. ‘99 (Sadler). Presented
                            Officers’ jewels, still in use, to
                            P.G. Lodge of Leicestershire.-
               1799 Apl. 12  I  BENELLI, Antonio. (SJ 1800)  Gentleman  King’s Theatre.
                                               St. James 1801
               1800 Jan. 12  J  HARPER, Thomas. Expelled   Silversmith &   Fleet St.
                            from “Modems”, 1803; Rj. ‘10.   Jeweller.
                            R. and elected Hon. Member,
                            11.12.27; d. ’32, aged? 96. Dep.
                            G.M. (Antients) ‘01-‘13. Dep.
                            M. ’14. (SJ 1800)
               1800 Feb. 12  J  CARAVOGLIO     Gentleman
               1800 Apl. 10  *GAROBOLDI. Became
                            member of the R.A. Chapter
                            of St James from the 9 Muses,
                            10.4. 1800. (Not the famous
                            Joseph Garibaldi,
                            b. 07.)
               1800 Aug. 13  I  NIHILL, John   Do            Manchester St.
               1800 Aug. 13  I  BEST, Thomas (SJ 1801)  Do   Conduit St..
               1800 Aug. 13  I  JACOBS, Jacob. d. 47, aged 77   Attorney  Mansell Str.
                            (SJ 1801)

             69  In the original list the two O’Keefs are shown twice. In this edition the second entry is not
                listed in the above table.
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