Page 158 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 158

158            An Account of the Lodge of Nine Muses

                The W.M. offered the Gavel to M.W. Grand Master, who asked the W.M. to
             continue in the Chair – The W.M. welcomed the M.W. Grand Master on behalf of
             the Lodge and outlined the purpose of the meeting.
                The M.W. Grand Master replied in impressive terms congratulating the Lodge
             on its historical career.
                W.Bro, J.O.B. Hitch, L.G.R., Treasurer, read a summary of the history of the
             Lodge, prepared by W.Bro. Allen Foxley, L. G.R.
                R.W.Bro. Rev. J. Moffett, P.G.Chap. offered Masonic prayer.
                Apologies for absence were reported from W.Bros. D. Thomson and R. Thornton,
             and Bros. H.C. Dawson and E.A. Wodehouse.
                The Lodge was closed in due form and perfect harmony and adjourned until
             28th October 1952, emergencies excepted of which every brother would have due
             notice. The brethren joined in singing the National Anthem.
                A procession was formed and the W.M., the M.W.G.M., the Wardens and
             distinguished brethren left the Lodge.

                At the Bi-Centenary the Lodge had moved to Bakers’ Hall where the Lodge
             Room and dining facilities were completely adequate for such an occasion. This
             event unfortunately is recorded in the minute book that was stolen. See footnote
             no. 60. From the Signature book it has been possible to decipher the names etc of
             many of those attending and we have the menu from the occasion.
                The 225  celebration was held at Mark Master Masons’ Hall and the meeting was
             held in the Grand Temple. Of the Lodges founded in 1777 two have survived, York
             Lodge No. 236 and Indefatigable Lodge No. 237 in Swansea. An open invitation
             to the members of both of these Lodges was sent adding that their W.M. would be
             a guest of the Lodge. The W.Ms of both attended with several additional members
             from York. This contact with No. 236 has been maintained to our mutual satisfaction.
                The meeting was a resounding success and the “William Cobbett Demonstration
             Team” performed a re-enactment of an 18  century Initiation under the “other”
             Ancient Grand Lodge
                At the following banquet the Brethren were joined by their ladies, a happy
             reminder of our former Lodge of recreation.
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