Page 159 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 159



                   HE scheme adopted in this book of collecting items of the same kind
                   into separate chapters under separate headings is necessarily arbitrary,
            Tand a number of entries in the minutes remain which do not fit
            conveniently into the plan; a selection from these follows.
               26 April 1816. Reported that Bro. Hodder, 16 Portman Place, Edgware Road,
            had “gone away not know where”.
               No such name appears in the Grand Lodge Register, or previously in the
            minutes; but he signed his name in the Signature Book on 20 March 1811.
               [24 January 1817] The Secretary reported that he had received a letter from
            Brother James Forbes stating that he had left the Kingdom on a visit to the Court
            of Wirtemburgh and therefore wished to withdraw as a subscribing member
            Ordered that the name of our highly respected Brother James Forbes be inscribed
            on the list of Honorary Members.
               Bro. Forbes had  an interesting career; (Appendix A.) His son-in-law the
            Comte de Montalembert was French Ambassador at Stuttgart.
               24 March 1820, is a reference to “... Brother Turner’s necefsary absence as
            Undersheriff at the present Middlesex Election”. 1820, which saw the death of
            George III and the accession of George IV, was a time of great distress and bitter
            public controversy; the election would give Bro. Turner a strenuous and exciting
               Bro. Turner was a solicitor, practising in Bloomsbury Square; we have met
            with him before as Secretary from 1813 (or earlier) to 1817, and he was W.M. in
            1826 and 1827. Cheerful references to him may be found in Chapter Eight, in
            connection with Lodges of Recreation.
               [8 March 1825]  Bror  Arden moved that the  Treas .  ... do report what
            contributions and subscriptions for the current year are still due & owing to the
            Lodge and from whom, which ... was carried./The Sec. tendered his resig .  of the
            office of Secretary & his resignation as a member of the Lodge.
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