Page 154 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 154

154                    An Account of the
                      ,,    ,,    Lord Raglan, P.G.M. Isle of Man.
                      ,,    ,,    Sir Wm Watts, Dep. P.G.M. Dorset.
                      ,,    ,,    W, T. Wigley, P.G.W. Warwickshire.
                    V.W. Bro.   Sir Alfred Robbins, Pres. B.G.P.
                      ,,    ,,    P. Colville Smith, G.S. England
                      ,,    ,,    David Reid, G.S. Scotland.

                Eighteen members of the Lodge were also present to support the W.M.,
             Bro. E. Luxmore Marshall, himself a P.D.G.W. of Barbados.
                On 11 November following, a letter from the Grand Secretary was read
             “expressing the thanks of the Grand Lodge to the Lodge for entertaining the
             Grand Lodge Guests on the 24th June last”.
                21 March 1927 witnessed the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the
             foundation of the Lodge, or the” Sesqui-Centenary” as it was styled out of
             compliment to the Muses.
                Of all the recorded celebrations this was the most imposing; it was held
             at the Grand Hotel, Trafalgar Square, the W.M., Bro. Herbert R. Oldfield,
             in the chair, and the eighteen members present entertained no less than
             fifty-four guests, amongst whom were Bros. C. E. Keyser, Prov.G.M. Herts.;
             Lord Frederick Hamilton, Prov.G.M.  Tyrone;  A. F. Sharman-Crawford,
             Prov.G.M. Munster; Lord Gisborough, P.G. W.; The Revd. Canon Barnard,
             P.G.C.; Sir Colville Smith, G.S.; Sir Kynaston Studd, Sir James Martin, Dr
             Parshall, Brigadier-General Quayle Jones, F. Fighiera, Percy C. Mallory, Capt.
             W. Firebrace, P.G.D.s; Ernest E. Bird, P.A.G.R.; Lieut.-Colonel Hamilton-
             Wedderburn, P.G.D.G.C.; Cecil Adams, D.G.S.B.; Lieut.-Colonel Chatfield-
             Clarke, P.A.G.S.B.; W. Castledine, P.G.St.B.; Sir Newton Moore, P.Pro.G.M.
             Western Australia, P.G. W. Scotland; Sir Geo. Hamilton, Sir Brooke Henderson
             and Sir John Page Wood, Bart.
                The toast of the Lodge of the Nine Muses was proposed by Bro Lord
             Frederick Hamilton, and responded to in a moving speech by Bro. Walter
             Webb, P.G.D., who had been in the Master’s chair, as we have seen, at the
             centenary in 1877, fifty years earlier.
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