Page 162 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 162

162                    An Account of the

             ex .  as to his proficiency by R. Arden P.M. W.M. pro tem was after due instruction
             communicated by Bro. Crew J. W. raised to the ... degree of Master Mason with
             the usual formalities.
                The emergency was Bro. Hardy’s being “about immediately to proceed to
             Cuba”, where he was H.B.M.’s Consul General.
                8 March 1836. It was carried nem. con. “That in consequence of the encreasing
             number of members in the Lodge and the onerous duty of the Secretary, the Lodge
             cannot permit the Secretary to pay any subscription more than the quarterage to
             the Grand Lodge fund.” Bro. Crew had just been appointed Secretary, in February
             1836, a post which he held till 1862. A note in the margin by his successor, Bro.
             Clabon, reads rather wistfully: “This only applied to the then Secretary. JMC
                [13 July 1836] Emergency ... .It was moved .... That an addrefs of congratulation
             be presented by the Lodge to His Royal Highnefs the Duke of Sufsex &c &c &c
             Most WGM on the WGM (’s) restoration to the blefsing of sight.
                Moved ... That the addrefs then read be adopted ... and forwarded to His Royal
             Highnefs the Grand Master in the usual manner.
                Copy of an addrefs presented to His Royal Highnefs the Duke of Sufsex
             Most W.G.M. &c &c &c by the Lodge of Nine Muses on His Royal Highnefs’
             restoration to the blefsing of sight./To His Royal Highnefs the Duke of Sufsex,
             Earl of Invernefs, Baron of Arklow, most worshipful Grand Master of the
             ancient and honorable Society of Free & accepted Masons &c &c &c/Most
             worshipful and Royal Sir, /We the Master Wardens Past Masters Officers and
             Brethren of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 286, in open Lodge afsembled at
             the Free Masons Tavern Great Queen Street Lincoln’s Inn fields pursuant to a
             special summons  - Most respectfully beg to approach Your Royal Highnefs for
             the purpose of tendering our hearty congratulations to your Royal Highnefs
             since it has pleased the Almighty God to restore to your Royal Highnefs the
             blefsing of sight, which for a time had been partially withdrawn.
                Whilst so many of our fraternity are prefsing forward to offer the testimony
             of their rejoicing at the restoration of Your Royal Highnefs, the Lodge of Nine
             Muses, which yields to none in attachment to the principles of Masonry, and
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