Page 151 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 151

Lodge of the Nine Muses               151

            ALBERT EDWARD, G.M.
               To the Master and Wardens and other Officers and Members of the Lodge
               of Nine Muses, No. 235, and all others whom it may concern.

            GREETING. Whereas, it appears by the Records of the Grand Lodge, that on the 25th day
            of March, 1777, a Warrant of Constitution was granted to certain Brethren therein named,
            authorising and empowering them and their regular Successors to hold a Lodge of Free
            and Accepted Masons, at the Thatched House Tavern, St. James’ Street, London, and which
            Lodge was then registered in the Books of the Grand Lodge as No. 502. But in consequence
            of the Union of the two Grand Lodges, and the formation of the United Grand Lodge on
            the 27th December, 1813, it became No. 421; since which, owing to the general closing up
            of the numbers in 1832 and 1863, it has become and now stands on the Register as No. 235,
            meeting at Long’s Hotel, Old  Bond Street, in the County of Middlesex, under the Title or
            Denomination of THE LODGE OF THE NINE MUSES.
               AND WHEREAS the Brethren composing the said Lodge are desirous, when it has
            completed the CENTENARY of its existence, on the 25th day of March, 1877, to be
            permitted to wear a JEWEL Commemorative of such Event, and have prayed our sanction
            for that purpose.
               NOW KNOW  YE, that we, having taken the subject into our consideration, have acceded
            to their request, and in virtue of our prerogative DO HEREBY GIVE AND GRANT
            to all and each of the actual subscribing Members of the said Lodge, being MASTER
            MASONS, permission to wear, in all MASONIC MEETINGS, suspended to the left breast
            by a sky blue ribbon, not exceeding one inch and a-half in breadth, a JEWEL or MEDAL,
            of the pattern or device that we have already approved of, as a CENTENARY JEWEL. But
            such Jewel is to be worn only by those Brethren who are bonâ fide subscribing Members of
            the said Lodge, and for so long only as each shall pay his regular stipulated subscription to the
            Funds thereof, and be duly returned as such to the Grand Lodge of England.
               GIVEN at LONDON, this 6th day of April, A.L. 5877, A.D. 1877.
               By Command of the M.W., GRAND MASTER, His Royal Highness the PRINCE OF
            WALES, K.G., &c., &c., &c.
                                                         JOHN HERVEY, G.S.

            60  Actually in New Bond Street. (then).????
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