Page 149 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 149

Lodge of the Nine Muses               149

               The set of engravings of the jewels from the Freemasons’ Magazine for 1796 has
            already been described in the previous chapter.
               Two curious coloured prints, framed and glazed, purporting to represent
            Masonic ceremonies in progress, were given by Bro. Courage (W.M. 1900), in
            November 1913. They are two of a set of seven which appeared in several forms,
            coloured and uncoloured, with English or French titles. They were published
            by “Thomas Palser, Surry Side, Westminster Bridge, Jan. 30, 1809”, and are well
            known to collectors of Masonic curiosities as the “Palser prints”.
               In November 1928, Bro. P. J. Dawson presented a fine proof impression of a
            design by Cipriani, “drawn by Bartolozzi and engraved by M  Bovi”. This is
            exhibited in the Lodge during its meetings. The subject is a group of nine “putti”,
            with instruments of the arts; and in February 1932 Bro. Sefi gave an engraving of
            the Nine Muses by Bartolozzi after Cipriani.
               The Lodge also has a good impression of an engraving by Bartolozzi after
            Cipriani, dated 1766, showing figures representing Sculpture and Painting
            receiving inspiration from a winged “Muse”, who descends from the sky on a
            cloud, a flame on her forehead. The giver is unrecorded.
               There are also photographs of the Hill of the Muses at Athens, and of the
            Temple of the Muses on the Appian Way outside Rome, presented respectively
            by Bro. H. R. Oldfield (W.M. 1910 and 1927) in 1910, and Bro. Fransella (W.M.
            1938) in 1929, and of the portrait of Mrs Crook, presented by Bro. Maurice
            Beachcroft in 1938, and described in Chapter Fifteen.
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