Page 5 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 5



                                           Consultation report summary
                                         This document sets out the communication processes undertaken during the
                                         development of the Ickford Neighbourhood Plan. Briefly, this covers:

                                          1. Pre-vision consultation by the Parish Council Autumn 2017 supported by
                                             a questionnaire sent to all households.

                                              The results of this questionnaire demonstrated the strength of feeling in the
                                             village concerning such matters as: housing, flooding, drainage and sewerage
                                             and parking and road conditions. It precipitated the formation of the
                                             Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group. The questionnaire and results are attached
                                             as Annexe 1 and 2.

                                          2 . Neighbourhood Plan Questionnaire was sent to all households and running
                                             throughout March 2018.

                                             This questionnaire was also delivered to each household in the village.  The idea
                                             was to speak to each resident and discuss their ideas and concerns as well as to
                                             gather factual evidence about the village. The process was very well received and
                                             successful with a return rate of over 70%.The questionnaire and results are
                                             attached as Annexe 8 and 10.

                                          3. Launch of the Neighbourhood Plan website – Vision for Ickford

                                             A website dedicated just to the Neighbourhood Plan was launched in April 2017.
                                             It has been very important to the Steering Group that the website has been kept
                                             up to date continuously so that all residents can access the progress of the
                                             Neighbourhood Plan. As internet access is not available to all, a paper copy of
                                             progress has been delivered to all residents via the monthly Ickford Informer.

                                          4. First Consultation Event – Ickford Church Fete May 2018 – where
                                             the Plan Steering Group hosted a stall informing villagers about the Plan
                                             process as well as presenting the results of the NP questionnaire and seeking
                                             villagers’ views on the future for Ickford.

                                             This is an annual event that is always well attended by villagers as well as visitors
                                             from surrounding villages. Our display stands containing the results of the NP
                                             questionnaire as well as detailed information about heritage, flooding and our
                                             designation area were well attended with 86 people visiting the stands. This was
                                             an excellent opportunity to engage people in discussion about the plan as well as
                                             discover further information about Ickford.

                                          5. The Second Consultation Event held in the Village Hall 15   th
                                             September 2018 – Villagers were invited to see the progress of the Plan so
                                             far, read the Scoping Report and Heritage Report as well as add further
                                             comments/suggestions for inclusion. In addition more people completed
                                             the wildlife questionnaire.

                                         VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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