Page 3 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
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                                                 Foreword: ................................................................................................................. 5
                                                 Annex 1: Pre-vision consultation questionnaire by the Parish Council 2017 ................. 7
                                                 Annex 2: Pre-vision consultation questionnaire by the Parish Council 2017 results....... 8
                                                 Annex 3: Formation of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group ............................... 35
                                                 Annex 4: Presentation by AVDC Planning Department  January 2018 ........................ 36
                                                 Annex 5: Consultation with neighbouring parishes January 2018 .............................. 45
                                                 Annex 6: Confirmation of Ickford Area Designation  February 2018 .......................... 48
                                                 Annex 7: March 2018 edition of the Ickford Informer ............................................... 49
                                                 Annex 8: Follow up consultation questionnaire by the Neighbourhood Plan
                                                         Steering Group March 2018 ..................................................................... 50
                                                 Annex 9: April edition of the Ickford Informer .......................................................... 52
                                                 Annex 10: Results of the follow up consultation questionnaire April 2018 ................... 53
                                                 Annex 11: Headline analysis of the questionnaire findings .......................................... 58
                                                 Annex 12: Launch of the Neighbourhood Plan website – Vision for Ickford
                                                ....................................................................... 59
                                                 Annex 13: May 2018 edition of Ickford Informer ........................................................ 60
                                                 Annex 14: First Consultation Event: Ickford Church Fete May 2018 ............................. 61
                                                 Annex 15: Further feedback from the questionnaire and the Church Fete via
                                                         June 2018 edition of Ickford Informer ....................................................... 62
                                                 Annex 16: On-going consultation with village associations and groups ....................... 63
                                                 Annex 17: Ickford Wildlife Survey and Form ............................................................... 64
                                                 Annex 18: Two members of the Steering Group attended a Government full
                                                         day seminar to update their knowledge ..................................................... 67
                                                 Annex 19: Postcard and Poster advertising the second Consultation Event
                                                         held in the Village Hall 15  September 2018 ............................................. 69
                                                 Annex 20: Photographs of the second Consultation Event .......................................... 71
                                        Disclaimer  Annex 21: October 2018 edition of the Ickford Informer with feedback from the
                     Whilst every effort has been made to ensure  second Consultation Event ........................................................................ 72
                         that the information contained in this
                     publication is correct, neither the editors and  Annex 22: Synopsis of the further ideas and comments from the second
                          contributors nor Vision for Ickford  Consultation Event ................................................................................... 73
                          Neighbourhood Development Plan  Annex 23: Update of progress with the Neighbourhood Plan in the November 2018
                      Committee can accept any responsibility for  edition of the Ickford Informer .................................................................. 76
                          any errors or omissions, nor for any
                              consequences that may result.  Annex 24: Update of progress with the Neighbourhood Plan in the December 2018
                                                         edition of the Ickford Informer .................................................................. 77
                                                 Annex 25: Update of progress with the Neighbourhood Plan in the February 2019
                               © 2019 Vision for Ickford  edition of the Ickford Informer .................................................................. 78
                          Neighbourhood Development Plan  Annex 26: Update of progress with the Neighbourhood Plan in the February 2019
                                   Consultation Report
                                    All rights reserved.  edition of the Bernwode News covering all of the villages in the Bernwode
                                                         Benefice ................................................................................................... 79
                           No part of  this publication may be  Annex 27: Vision for Ickford Newsletter, delivered to every household in the village ..... 80
                     reproduced or transmitted in any form, or by  Annex 28: Update of progress with the Neighbourhood Plan in the April 2019
                      any means, or stored in any retrieval system
                     of  any nature without the written permission  edition of the Ickford Informer plus delivery of an update Post Card to
                                    of the publishers.   all village housholds ................................................................................. 81
                                                 Annex 29: April 2019 Website update and download and comment availability of all
                      Any application for other use of copyright  relevant documents plus a copy of the comment form................................ 83
                      material including permission to reproduce  Annex 30: Ickford Organisations consulted regarding the Neighbourhood Plan ........... 84
                       extracts in other published works must be
                      made to the publishers, and in the event of  Annex 31: Consultee list for Ickford for pre-submission- supplied by AVDC .................. 86
                           such permission being granted full  Annex 32: Neighbourhood Plan Responders .............................................................. 90
                      acknowledgement of author, publishers and  Annex 33: Update of progress with the Neighbourhood Plan in the August 2019
                                  source must be given.
                                                         edition of the Ickford Informer ................................................................ 111
                                        Typeset by:  Annex 34: Update of website with the Neighbourhood Plan in the August 2019 ....... 112
                             Connell Marketing Associates,  Annex 35: Update of website with the Neighbourhood Plan in the September 2019 . 113
                                        HP18 9HR
                                                 Annex 36: Update of website with the Neighbourhood Plan in the September 2019 . 114
                      Printed and Bound in the United Kingdom  Annex 37: Update of website with the Neighbourhood Plan in the December 2019 .. 115

                                         VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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