Page 27 - Lawtext Utility Law Review Journal Sample
P. 27

174  16[2006/2007]4 ULR                                                 EUROPEAN CURRENT SURVEY

                    European Commission proposes full  The European Commission published a proposal to open EU postal markets fully to
                    opening of the postal services market  competition by 2009. The Commission believes that this is the best way to maintain
                    by 2009                        universal service while further improving quality and choice for EU consumers and
                    (IP/06/1419) 18 October 2006   businesses. Full market opening will mean that national operators will no longer have a
                                                   monopoly on mail below a certain weight (currently a maximum of 50 grams), known as
                                                   the ‘reserved area’. Member States will be allowed a flexible choice of means to finance
                                                   universal service provision or the possibility of sharing the universal service obligation
                                                   between operators. The proposal seeks to maintain the current obligations on Member
                                                   States to ensure a high quality universal service for every EU citizen. The Commission
                                                   notes that the proposed new Directive is the final step in a long reform process that has
                                                   already seen large areas of EU postal markets opened to competition, with very positive

                    European Commission endorses   The European Commission has decided that the remuneration paid to Poste Italiane for
                    remuneration for Poste Italiane’s  the distribution of postal savings books from 2000 to 2005 is consistent with market
                    distribution of postal savings books,  conditions and does not constitute State Aid. The Commission concluded that this
                    but opens investigation into its  distribution meets all criteria established in the Altmark case. However, the Commission
                    distribution of postal bonds   has opened a formal investigation under the State Aid rules into the remuneration paid to
                    (IP/06/1605) 22 November 2006  Poste Italiane for the distribution of postal bonds. The Commission is concerned that the
                                                   remuneration for the distribution of postal bonds might be higher than what a private
                                                   investor would have paid and could give Poste Italiane an economic advantage and thus
                                                   potentially distort competition.

                    European Commission endorses   The European Commission has approved an aid scheme for the Swedish Post (Posten
                    public service compensation for  AB) worth SKR 400 million (€44 million) per year over the period 2006–2007. Under the
                    Swedish Posten AB              scheme, the Swedish authorities intend to compensate Posten AB for the public service
                    (IP/06/1617) 23 November 2006  cost of supplying basic cashier services throughout Sweden. The supply of basic cashier
                                                   services is carried out by Posten AB’s wholly owned subsidiary SKS AB, whose activities
                                                   are confined to services of general economic interest. The Swedish Government requires
                                                   Posten AB to supply basic payment and cash facilities services for the years 2006 and 2007
                                                   throughout Sweden. In exchange, the Swedish Government would compensate Posten
                                                   AB for the commercially unviable parts of SKS AB’s basic cashier services network.



                    European Commission selects 16  The European Commission has awarded financial support of €21.7 million to the best 16
                    Marco Polo projects            projects submitted under the Marco Polo programme. These projects should result in an
                    (IP/06/1352) 11 October 2006   important transfer of freight from heavily congested roads to more environmentally-
                                                   friendly modes of transport, such as short sea shipping, rail and inland waterways. The
                                                   Commission notes that an extensive evaluation has been carried out, followed by a formal
                                                   procedure involving both the Member States and the European Parliament, which fully
                                                   endorsed the Commission’s shortlist of actions. In the mid-term review of the White
                                                   Paper on Transport, the Commission proposed to continue measures to promote
                                                   environmentally friendly modes of transport. To achieve this objective, the Marco Polo
                                                   programme supports actions in freight transport, logistics and other relevant markets.
                                                   These actions should contribute to shifting the increase in international road freight
                                                   traffic to short sea shipping, rail and inland waterways, or to a combination of modes of
                                                   transport in which road journeys are as short as possible.

                    European Commission approves   The European Commission has authorised a Slovak scheme which is intended to encourage
                    Slovak aid scheme for combined  the development of combined transport. The aid measures will contribute to achieve a
                    transport                      traffic shift of freight from road to other modes of transport, in particular to rail and
                    (IP/06/1386) 13 October 2006   inland waterway transport. European transport policy encourages the use of rail and
                                                   other environmentally friendly modes of transport as competitive alternatives to road
                                                   haulage. The subsidies granted under the Slovak scheme will pay for part of the eligible

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