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                                                              INDUSTRY SOUNDINGS – POCKLINGTON : (2008) 20 ELM 159
                    Commission (CQC). The CQC, which will absorb the  announced that it is to break its 22-year link with Torbay
                    Healthcare Commission, Commission for Social Care  and move its rebranded event – ‘Futuresource’  – to the
                    Inspection and Mental Health Act Commission, is being  ExCeL Centre on London’s Docklands in partnership with
                    set up this October, and will become active next April.  the Environmental Services Association (ESA).
                    The appointment will be ratified by the Health Secretary  CIWM stated that its agreement with ESA reflects a
                    after a scrutiny report by the health select committee.  joint intention to develop the event into a major
                       The Guardian noted: 4                        international showcase for the UK waste and resource
                                                                    management sector. The move to London ExCeL is
                       Back in the late 1980s, before taking up top roles at  expected to deliver an event that meets the needs and
                       English Nature and the RSPB and becoming a life peer,  expectations of visitors and exhibitors, and attracts a wider
                       Barbara Young was a prominent – and outspoken –  audience, not just from Europe but from around the world.
                       NHS manager, so news of her probable appointment to  The impact of CIWM’s move cannot be
                       the controversial new health and social care inspectorate  underestimated – the approximately £11M income to
                       is likely to be greeted warmly by health managers.  Torbay in the week of the conference is said to lengthen
                                                                    the ‘season’ by effectively one month. Holidaymakers who
                    Likewise, she will be missed by industry and the Agency,  mis-time their visit to Paignton to the week of the
                    as with Sir John she has provided strong leadership in  conference and exhibition must be bemused by the vast
                    driving the EA towards being a ‘modern regulator’.  array of compactors, waste handling equipment, shredders,
                       However, continuity and stability will be provided by  collection vehicles and so on in the external exhibition
                    Paul Leinster, who has been appointed as Acting Chief  areas of North and Middle Green.
                    Executive.  He has held senior positions in two of the major  However, given the difficulty of finding accommo-
                    areas of the EA’s work – Director of Environmental  dation, holidaymakers are generally in the minority, and
                    Protection and Director of Operations – and acted as CEO  this year directed some of us to the hotel
                    for several months during 2006.                 that inspired the Fawlty Towers series – now described as
                       On 8 May, it was announced that Lord Chris Smith of  having been transformed into ‘a fashionable boutique hotel
                    Finsbury, Chair of the Independent Advertising Standards  . . . in the chic neighbourhood of Wellswood’. 9
                    Authority and former cabinet minister, had been appointed  The CIWM and ESA are to be congratulated on this
                    Chairman of the Environment Agency.  A former councillor  initiative which will transform the event, and provide trade
                    and MP for Islington, his Private Members Bill – the  association input to this major exhibition which does not
                    Environment and Safety Information Act – became law in  sit entirely comfortably within the activities of a
                    1988. In the 1990s, he served two years as shadow  professional association. All the CIWM must now do is to
                    spokesman on environment protection, and was the  remove the ‘W’ from its own title, as the ESA did a number
                    President of SERA  from 1997 to 2007. He has recently  of years ago when it changed its name from the National
                    stepped down as President of the Ramblers’ Association,  Association of Waste Disposal Contractors (NAWDC).
                    a position he held for the last four years.
                       He is currently the Chair of the Advertising Standards  Ruddy ducks
                    Authority and takes up his position on 14 July 2008. Chris
                    Smith has indicated that the new mantra for Agency staff  Conservationists do not always get in right. When in 1948
                    is: ‘consistency, transparency and partnership’.  However,  Sir Peter Scott introduced three pairs of ruddy duck
                    given the comments of some senior staff at the launch of  (oxyura jamaicensis) from North America to his Slimbridge
                    ‘Spotlight on Business – Environmental Performance’ on  reserve in Gloucestershire he cannot have envisaged the
                    23 July 2008, there is still some work to be done in this  conservation and financial consequences resulting from
                    area.                                           the subsequent escape into the wild of this species. The
                                                                    ruddy duck has a preference for blondes – the rare white-
                    ‘Oh we don’t like to be beside the seaside’     headed duck – and its pursuit of these across Europe has
                                                                    been the cause of its fall from grace. The white-headed
                    This year the Labour and Conservative Party conferences  duck (oxyura leucocephala) is native to Spain, and
                    will be held in Manchester and Birmingham respectively,  although by 1977 its numbers had been reduced to 33
                    and in line with this move away from seaside venues, the  through hunting, the introduction of conservation
                    Chartered Institution of Wastes Management, CIWM, has  measures increased this to around 700 before the ruddy
                                                                    duck entered the equation in 1983. 10
                                                                       The more aggressively amorous ruddy duck became
                                                                    responsible for a generation of hybrid ducks at the expense
                                                                    of the native variety, and Spain demanded that Britain
                    6 Defra Chris Smith Appointed as New Chair of the Environment       Agency
                      News Release Ref: 134/08 (8 May 2008)
                    7 Socialist Environment Resources Association, the aim of which is: ‘to  9 Industry Soundings does not write hotel reviews, so the reader will
                      promote sustainable environmental policies within government and the  have to rely upon the comments of others on and
                      Labour Party’. David Miliband is now President.  elsewhere.
                    8 Pronounced ‘future  resource’: See ‘Futuresource – Europe’s  10 P Brown ‘Randy Ruddy Ruffles Feathers’ The Guardian (9 April 1993).
                      sustainability event’   11 P Brown ‘Specieswatch: Ruddy Duck’ The Guardian (26 May 2008).

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