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                      1 1 1 1 16 66 60 0  (2008) 20 ELM : INDUSTRY SOUNDINGS – POCKLINGTON
                      and the remainder of Europe should wipe them out. The  Prado in the district court in San Antonio, Texas, who
                      cull is supported by the Royal Society for the Protection  activated a device that played the Porky Pig catchphrase,
                      of Birds and other conservation groups, but opponents  ‘That’s all folks!’ before lunchtime each day.
                      have questioned the cost of exterminating the attractive  Those who believe that this never happens in the
                      ruddy duck whose only crime ‘is to be American, over-  English courts should refer to the case of Mr Justice Peter
                      sexed, and over here’. 11                        Smith, the judge who presided over the failed Da Vinci
                          A fund of £1.4M has been set up to by Defra and the  Code plagiarism case at London’s High Court.  The judge
                      EU to kill these ducks, which have breeding populations  hid his own secret code in his written judgment through
                      in France, Germany, Belgium, Sweden and Ireland. While  the use of italicised letters – in the first few pages the
                      some governments are cooperating with the cull, the  words ‘Smithy Code’ were spelled out, and the following
                      Netherlands has refused to participate in the five-year  pages contain further marked out letters. However, unlike
                      extermination plan, which Defra hopes to complete by 2010.  the United States, this did not result disciplinary
                          This is not the only current example of official  proceedings. 15
                      meddling with nature, and Defra is planning a special rapid
                      response unit to deal with foreign invaders that are putting
                      Britain’s native plants and animals at risk, although badgers
                      appear to have been given a last minute reprieve. 12
                          On 28 May, Defra launched the first coordinated plan
                      to reduce the threat to Britain’s native biodiversity from
                      invasive non-native species, such as floating pennywort
                      and the North American signal crayfish. According to a
                      2005 study, there are almost 3000 non-native species
                      wild in Britain, with 2721 of these in England alone, of
                      which two thirds are plants.
                          It is claimed that these can have a serious impact on
                      native wildlife and economic interests, and that controlling
                      their spread is the key to conserving native wildlife. Eladio
                      Fernandez-Galiano, Head of the Biological Diversity Unit,
                      Council of Europe is quoted as saying: ‘Invasive alien
                      species are one of the rising threats for biological diversity.
                      In these times of climate change, more and more species
                      will arrive and spread in our native ecosystems changing
                      their character and singularity.’
                          Given the inevitability of global warming and its
                      growing impact over a significant period of time, even if
                      greenhouse gas emissions are stabilised, this strategy does
                      seem to be a bit like King Canute trying to turn back the

                      Laughter in court
                      It is not only W S Gilbert’s Lord High Executioner who
                      had an aversion to ‘the judicial humorist’ as shown by David
                      Pannick’s recent column in The Times,  which describes a
                      number of cases in which judges have been reprimanded
                      for introducing unjustifiable levity into the proceedings.
                      Readers are directed to the full article which contains many
                      examples, some of which are reproduced here.
                          Several of these are from the ‘Land of the Free’, the
                      most notable being from judges who relieved the tedium
                      of the proceedings by the use of sound effects: Judge
                      Sheldon Schapiro who kept a toy lavatory on his desk with
                      which he used to make a flushing sound when unconvinced
                      by the submissions he had heard; and Judge Edward C

                                                                       14 Authors Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh claimed Dan Brown had
                                                                         plagiarised their own historical book The Holy Blood and the Holy
                      12 ‘Farmers’ Fury after Hilary Benn Says No to Badger Cull’ Timesonline  Grail for The Da Vinci Code.
                         (4 July 2008).                                15 Although Mr Justice Peter Smith was recently subject to disciplinary
                      13 D Pannick ‘How Laughter in Court Can End in Tears’ The Times (20  proceedings under the Office for Judicial Complaints (OJC), the Da
                         May 2008)  Vinci case did not feature: see ‘Da Vinci Code Judge Escapes with
                         columnists/david_pannick/article3958919.ece.    Reprimand’ Times Online (18 April 2008).

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