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                                                              INDUSTRY SOUNDINGS – POCKLINGTON : (2008) 20 ELM 157
                    Industry Soundings

                    David Pocklington  British Cement Association 1

                    Legislation by committee
                                                                    of an article in a given directive, and may only be prepared
                    It could be argued that many of the European Court’s  to table an amendment if supported by other MEPs.
                    deliberations on the meaning of ‘waste’ would not have  Likewise, MEPs may also table amendments that they have
                    been required had the initial 1975 Directive or its 1991  no intention of pursuing but plan to concede as part of a
                    revision been drafted more rigorously and with a better  future bargaining strategy.
                    appreciation of the practical implications. These lessons  From the lobbyist’s point of view, it is important to be
                    do not appear to have been learned, and parts of the  aware of these nuances in the selection of their key
                    current modification of the Waste Framework Directive  amendments, the wording, and the MEP or group of MEPs
                    (WFD) appear to be suffering from the joint attentions of  to approach whom they believe will stand the best chance
                    extensive lobbying and political compromise.    of gaining support.
                       On 8 April 2008, the ENVI Committee of the      The table below indicates the amendments made in
                    European Parliament voted on the 250 or so amendments  relation to a  single aspect of the WFD, the second
                    that had been submitted on the WFD. An analysis of the  paragraph of the waste hierarchy.
                    voting list for these amendments reveals the complexity  It is clear that voting alone cannot resolve such
                    of the situation that had to be resolved by the rapporteur:  complex, interdependent issues, and the rapporteur must
                    most MEPs from the ENVI Committee submitted a number  develop a compromise text that encompasses the agreed
                    of amendments, depending upon their personal, political  positions. It is perhaps not surprising that while the agreed
                    or other views, which may have been influenced by one or  wording might satisfy MEPs, it does not necessarily make
                    more of the many groups with an interest in the outcome.  good law.

                                   abled byy
                                   abled by
                                   abled b
                   Amendment      T T T T Tabled babled byy  Anal
                    n n n n numberumber
                    103, 3rd part  Rapporteur/Drcar
                                  Murko/ Blokland
                    65, 3rd part  Evans/Lucas         Compatible with 103, 3rd part as a change of the word ‘thinking’
                                                      into ‘assessment’ + changes to supra 2 of para 2
                    155, 2nd part  de Brùn/Musacchio  Partly compatible with 103, 3rd part and 65, 3rd part (reference
                                  /Sacconi            to Consultation Forum will be taken out if none of ams 222, 223 or 224
                                                      is adopted)
                    22            Rapporteur          Falls if 103, 3rd part, 65, 3rd part or 155 2nd part is adopted
                    157           Freitas             Compatible, in whole or in part, with 103, 65, 155 and 22
                    158           Hegyi               Falls if 157 is adopted. Compatible with 103, 65, 155 and 22
                       Many of the proposed articles in the new directive  An example is the consolidation of amendments 69
                    were subject to several amendments. Although in some  and 70 which related to whether material excavated in the
                    cases these were complimentary, in others there was  course of construction should be regarded as ‘waste’ or
                    duplication, some of the tabled amendments contradicted  not, ie the attempt to resolve the problematic issue raised
                    other provisions, and others were inadmissible.  by the Van de Walle case,  which held that an unintentional
                       The tabling of amendments is an art in itself. MEPs  spillage from petrol storage tanks was ‘waste’ and any soil
                    can be quite specific, addressing only a single component  contaminated by the spillage was also ‘waste’ even before
                                                                    it was excavated.

                    1 The views expressed in this article are those of the author, and do not
                      necessarily reflect those of the British Cement Association, or its
                      member companies.                             2 Ministère Public v Paul Van de Walle Case C–1/03.

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