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P. 47

                      1 1 1 1 15 55 58 8  (2008) 20 ELM : INDUSTRY SOUNDINGS – POCKLINGTON
                          The Commission had proposed that a new item –  EU ETS update
                      ‘unexcavated contaminated soil’ – should be added to the
                      list of materials excluded from the ambit of the new WFD  While readers might sympathise with Dr Jackson in her
                      via Article 2(1)(f), and the Council common position was  task of reconciling ENVI Committee views on the WFD
                      worded as:                                       (above), this is dwarfed by the task facing Avril Doyle, the
                                                                       ENVI rapporteur on the modifications to the EU ETS
                          uncontaminated soil and other naturally occurring  Directive. France has just taken over the Presidency of
                          material excavated in the course of construction  the EU and is anxious to expedite a 1st Reading Agreement
                          activities where it is certain that the material will be  during its term of office, which ends in December 2008.
                          used for the purposes of construction in its natural  In addition to promoting France’s own national agenda,
                          state on the site from which it was excavated.  this urgency is driven by concerns that the less positive
                                                                       stance of Czechoslovakia towards the EU ETS might result
                      However, under the agreed ENVI position this became:  in delays that would result in key decisions being taken in
                                                                       the new Parliament.  Not only would the whole package
                          uncontaminated excavated materials which can be  be subject to further revision, but subsequent presidencies
                          used, either on the same site or on another site, on  may have substantially different attitudes to this issue.  It
                          condition that these natural geological materials do  appears that France intends to produce most of the
                          not have any characteristics which are likely to result  compromise amendments itself, unlike its predecessor –
                          in a notable impact on the receiving environment.  the Slovenian Presidency, which relied heavily upon the
                      This revised wording is problematic in many respects, in:  Although ENVI is the lead committee and its output
                                                                       will go to the plenary, the directive is being progressed
                      •   not specifying whether these materials would be  under the Enhanced Hughes Procedure,  and other
                          assessed in terms of the deleterious or beneficial  committees will be able to submit their own amendments
                          effects                                      to the plenary. Dates for the submission of amendments
                      •   the use of the highly subjective term ‘notable’  to the ITRE and ENVI Committees were 17 June and 2
                      •   the phrase ‘either on the same site or on another site’  July, and 404 and over 827 amendments were tabled
                          is open to wide interpretation including where  respectively, with 108 in ECON.
                          ‘another site’ is in another Member State, thus  To complicate matters further, the 1st  Reading
                          encouraging the trans-border movement of these  Agreement will be on the total energy package, not just
                          materials                                    the EU ETS component, and as such the rapporteur will
                      •   the term ‘excavated materials’ could be construed as  be at pains to prevent major clashes between the parties.
                          being quite restrictive                      The other time constraint facing the passage of the
                      •   use of the term ‘natural geological materials’, which  directive results from the 2009 elections in June and the
                          has until recently caused significant problems through  appointment of new Commissioner who takes office on 1
                          its inappropriate use within Annex V of the REACH  November. Although the directive is unlikely to be
                          Regulation in relation to cement.            concluded in the current Parliament, provided that a 1st
                                                                       reading agreement is reached, it will not be necessary for
                      In the event, the full plenary session of the European  the next Parliament to start anew. However, there will be a
                      Parliament agreed on a compromise deal reached between  long period in 2009 during which little progress is made.
                      the rapporteur, Dr Caroline Jackson, the Council
                      Presidency, Slovenia, and the Commission including:  Changes at the Environment Agency
                      unexcavated contaminated soil remaining outside the
                      scope of the WFD, and uncontaminated soil not being  While everyone anticipated the appointment of a new
                      regarded as a ‘waste’ if it is used for the purposes of  chairman in June, Sir John Harman having been prevailed
                      construction       on the site from which it was excavated. The  upon to stay in post a further six months from December
                      European Council will now vote formally on the proposals,  2007, Barbara Young’s departure at the end of May caught
                      and while some expect this to be a mere formality, there  many by surprise. In May it was announced that Lady
                      are others who believe it will go to conciliation where  Young has been nominated as the Department of Health’s
                      further changes are to be expected.              preferred candidate to chair the shadow Care Quality
                          It seems inevitable that the European legislative
                      process will result in a ‘Catch 22’ situation on contentious
                      issues – the more controversial the subject, the more
                                                                       3 Under the Enhanced Hughes Procedure [Rule 162A, Rules of Procedure
                      amendments it is likely to attract. The result is an  of the European Parliament, 15th edn February 200<?><?>], amendments
                      ambiguous text within the final legal instrument which  tabled by the Opinion Committee(s) are given a higher status, and the
                      requires further detailed consideration by the ECJ.  cooperation between the Lead Committee and the Opinion
                                                                         Committee(s) is more formal. In particular, the amendments accepted
                      Although the revised Waste Framework Directive has yet  by the Opinion Committee go directly to the plenary session of the
                      to be finalised, it is likely that it will trigger a new tranche  Parliament for a vote, and the Lead Committee cannot determine
                      of action in the European Court.                   whether to accept them or not.
                                                                       4 The Guardian (1 May 2008).
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