Page 45 - Lawtext Environmental Law & Management Journal Sample
P. 45

                      1 1 1 1 15 55 56 6  (2008) 20 ELM : UK CURRENT SURVEY AND LEGAL UPDATE – GREENWOOD, L’OKEN
                      specified regions and sub-regions. It should be noted,  power to set specific criminal penalties, even though it
                      however, that ‘good environmental status’ was not made  could legislate on criminal matters, providing that it was
                      a mandatory requirement. Where it is not feasible for  for the purpose of remedying and enforcing serious
                      Member States to reach the environmental targets set,  environmental breaches of environmental law. In view of
                      tailored measures are to be devised.             this, the draft directive was revised accordingly and has
                                                                       since been adopted the Council of Ministers and the
                      Defra ‘Draft Marine Bill’; Defra ‘Our seas – a shared resource’.  European Parliament, in line with the ECJ’s ruling of
                                     October 2007. This stated that the Community has
                      http://ec.europa/environment/water/marine/index_en.htm  competence to adopt criminal measures only where there
                                                                       is a ‘justifiable need’ and it does not have the power to
                                                                       specify the type and level of criminal sanctions applicable,
                      Environmental crime                              as these are matters solely for individual Member States.
                                                                       In addition, the definition of unlawful acts has been revised
                      Europe legislates on environmental crime         so that it now only covers acts committed in violation of
                                                                       EU environmental protection laws (listed and annexed to
                      In February 2007, the EC published proposals for a new  the draft directive).
                      directive on environmental crime,  which obliged Member  The draft directive now obliges Member States to
                      States to treat serious acts against the environment as  ensure simply that sanctions are ‘effective, proportionate
                      criminal actions, thereby requiring criminal sanctions to  and dissuasive’. Once the draft directive enters into force
                      be implemented against acts such as illegal emission,  and is published in the Official Journal, Member States
                      discharge or introduction of hazardous substances to air,  will have two years to implement its provisions.
                      water and land or the treatment, disposal and transport
                      of waste. The draft proposal laid out nine offences, the  Disclaimer: The reports included here are a selection only
                      majority of which related to breaches of environmental  of topical developments that have taken place during the
                      legislation that result in death or serious injury through  time period stated for the survey. The summaries are
                      intentional or serious neglect (eg discharge or emission  intended for general information purposes only and should
                      of hazardous waste that causes, or is likely to cause death  not be relied upon to replace professional advice on
                      or serious injury or substantial damage to the   specific topics. Taylor Wessing LLP accept no responsibility
                      environment), obliging Member States to instigate  for any errors or omissions.
                      measures for maximum penalties in accordance with the
                      levels specified in the draft directive. Following publication                 Taylor Wessing LLP
                      of the draft, however, the European Court of Justice (ECJ)                            July 2008
                      ruled that the European Commission did not have the

                      19 COM(2007)51.

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