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P. 44

                                          UK CURRENT SURVEY AND LEGAL UPDATE – GREENWOOD, L’OKEN :: :: : (2008) 20 ELM 155
                    mechanism, has provided a helpful ‘decision-tree’, which  MMO. In terms of the current licensing system for marine
                    outlines the fundamental processes that they anticipate  activities, the proposals are to simplify the system and in
                    will be used in reviewing and examining a given situation.  line with this, a number of special rules are proposed for
                    The ‘tree’ is designed to provide a necessary structure  dealing with licensing in connection with coastal
                    and consistency of approach, thereby enabling the  engineering works, harbour works, dredging and renewable
                    strategy to respond to all wildlife eventualities, including  energy projects. The new ‘Infrastructure Planning
                    short and long term issues. The government, in outlining  Commission’ (the legislative basis of which is set out in
                    their proposals for a strategy, anticipate that existing  the Planning Bill, currently making its way through
                    strategies and policies that impact on wildlife management  Parliament) is to be responsible for issuing development
                    will also make use of the strategy, if implemented.  consent for schemes including large-scale renewable
                                                                    energy projects and development schemes such as
                    Defra ‘Consultation – Ensuring the Sustainable management  harbours in territorial waters, with the creation of a new
                    and Conservation of Wildlife – Towards a Wildlife Management  renewable energy zone. In terms of enforcement, a new
                    Strategy for England’.                          set of powers is to be introduced for the purpose of
                                                                    inspection and investigation which will be available to
                                                                    enforcing authorities, in addition to civil sanctions and
                    Marine legislation and policy – a progress      licensing and nature conservation offences.
                    report                                             New ‘Marine Conservation Zones’ will be designated
                                                                    in order to protect individual habitats and species, creating
                    A new marine planning system, together with coastal access  a network of sites representing marine ecosystems around
                    is set to enter the statute books once the draft Marine Bill  the UK, the designation of which will take into account all
                    has been scrutinised by committee and suitable time found  environmental, social and economic criteria. The
                    in the parliamentary timetable. In the meantime, Europe has  government recently published three draft guidance notes
                    adopted a new Marine Strategy Directive         explaining the relevant powers and duties to designate
                                                                    zones pursuant to the provisions comprised in the draft
                    Marine Bill                                     bill. The draft advice covers the selection and designation
                                                                    of zones, the duties to be placed on public authorities
                    The draft Marine Bill was published for public consultation
                                                                    and conservation orders.
                    in April 2008. The Bill will, if it receives Royal Assent,
                                                                       The government’s draft legislative programme
                    introduce a UK marine planning system and deliver coastal
                                                                    indicates that a Marine Bill will be introduced in Parliament
                    access, the implementation of which is to be taken forward
                                                                    during the course of the 2008/2009 session.
                    by Natural England. Essentially, the draft bill provides for:
                                                                    Marine Strategy Framework Directive
                    •  the creation of a Marine Management Organisation
                       (MMO);                                       In Europe, the Marine Strategy Framework Directive  came
                    •  a planning and licensing system for activities in the  into force in June this year. The Directive establishes a
                       marine area;                                 framework for a community action in the field of marine
                    •  modernising and streamlining of the enforcement  environmental policy, bringing into effect the objectives
                       powers; and finally,                         and principles of the EU Thematic Strategy on the Marine
                    •  access to coastal land.                      Environment, which was previously adopted in 2005. It is
                                                                    a key element in the EU’s integrated maritime policy.
                    The government envisages that the MMO will be an  Member States have until 15 July 2010 to transpose the
                    independent non-departmental public body with   provisions of the Directive into national laws.
                    responsibility for delivering sustainable development. It  A key requirement of the new Marine Strategy
                    will deal with planning issues on behalf of the government  Directive is that Member States put in place measures
                    in English waters and most off-shore areas, in addition to  that will achieve ‘good environmental status’ for all
                    regulating activities in accordance with new ‘marine policy  European seas by 2020, including protection measures
                    statements’. These are to be underpinned by new marine  for a network of marine protected areas, which may
                    ‘plans’, which will apply policy in more detail to identified  comprise Special Conservation Areas and Special
                    locations in UK waters. Defra is currently consulting on  Protection Areas. In order to comply with the Directive in
                    high level objectives that will form the basis of the new  this regard, Member States will be under an obligation to
                    policy statements. The principle objectives outlined in the  prepare and develop, in conjunction with others, ‘marine
                    consultation paper comprise: (i) achieving a sustainable  strategies’ covering a range of matters including detailed
                    marine economy (ii) a strong, healthy and just society  assessments of the marine environment, clear
                    (iii) living within environmental limits (iv) promoting good  environmental targets, monitoring programmes and a
                    governance and (v) using sound science responsibly.  regional definition of ‘good environmental status’ for
                       The UK Government will retain overall responsibility
                    for marine planning in UK waters and offshore areas
                    beyond 12 nautical miles. All planning activity in these
                    areas would, however, be regulated by the newly created  18 Directive 2008/56/EC.

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