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                                          UK CURRENT SURVEY AND LEGAL UPDATE – GREENWOOD, L’OKEN :: :: : (2008) 20 ELM 151
                    UK Current Survey and Legal Update

                    Brian Greenwood, Sherryll L’oken  Taylor Wessing LLP

                    Headline Issues                                    Pursuant to Article 126 of the REACH Regulation, UK
                                                                    enforcement provisions must be in place by 1 December
                      • REACH Update – pre-registration and draft UK  2008. In terms of progress made by the UK, the
                         enforcement regulations                    government launched a public consultation on draft
                      • Revised Waste Framework Directive           enforcement regulations on 2 June, which builds upon
                      • Carbon Capture and Storage – UK consultation  existing regulatory regimes in the UK. The draft regulations
                      • New draft IPPC Directive                    envisage that the enforcing authority will be the HSE  in
                      • Aviation to be brought within scope of EU ETS  most cases, but the Environment Agency, local authorities
                      • New proposed wildlife management strategy   and the Secretary of State will also have a role to play.
                      • Draft Marine Bill – legislation and policy  The current proposals are that the HSE will be responsible
                      • Environmental crime – European developments  for taking enforcement action for non-compliance in
                                                                    respect of registration and the supply chain, but it will be
                                                                    the Environment Agency who will enforce environmental
                    REACH update                                    breaches of the regime at installations subject to
                                                                    environmental controls. Breaches of the regime will be
                    Chemical substances – the process of pre-registration has  punishable on summary conviction in a Magistrates Court
                    commenced – a new fee structure is in place – to be  to a fine not exceeding £5,000 and/or three months’
                    administered by European Chemicals Agency – the UK is  imprisonment. On indictment, the penalty will be an
                    consulting on new enforcement provisions        unlimited fine and/or two years imprisonment. Further
                                                                    supplementary offences are also to be created for
                    The EC REACH Regulation for the RR RR Registration, EE EE Evaluation,  obstructing enforcement authorities, providing false
                    A A A A Authorisation and restriction of CHCHemical substances 1  statements and failing to provide information. It is
                    entered into legislative force on 1 June 2007 throughout  anticipated that draft regulations will be laid before
                    Member States. It has direct effect without the need for  Parliament by November 2008.
                    national transposition. It establishes a regime for the  At a European level, the EC REACH Fees Regulation,
                    regulation and safe use of chemicals for those companies  setting out the structure and amounts of fees and charges,
                    who deal in quantities of chemicals greater than one tonne  which are to be collected by the European Chemicals
                    per year, requiring the pre-registration of qualifying  Agency, was published in the Official Journal of the
                    chemical substances.                            European Communities on 16 April 2008.  Following this,
                       The process of pre-registration has now begun for  the European Chemicals Agency published, as part of the
                    those companies who deal in ‘phase-in’ substances, namely  authorisation process, the first list of chemicals to be
                    substances which are listed on the EINECS  and already  classified as ‘Substances of Very High Concern’ (SVHC),
                    known in the EU. Essentially, the process of pre-  for example toxic substances or those which could cause
                    registration is designed to give the producer a ‘breathing  serious harm to human health or the environment.
                    space’ before formal registration - a complex process –  Technical comments were sought.
                    enabling the substance to be used in the interim. Pre-  The European Commission retains a key role in respect
                    registration, however, must take place between 1 June and  of updating and finalising legislation relating to REACH,
                    1 December 2008 in order for companies to benefit from  including but not limited to the classification and labelling
                    the staggered approach. A failure to pre-register a phase-  inventory, in addition to updating guidance and advice.
                    in chemical substance with the European Chemicals  At present, the Commission are reviewing a number of the
                    Agency  prior to the deadline could lead to a manufacture/  technical Annexes to the REACH Regulation in conjunction
                    importer being banned from trading in that substance until  with stakeholders, after which revisions may be made.
                    a full REACH dossier has been submitted, leading to cost
                    and resource implications. Inevitably, a failure to pre-  Defra ‘Consultation on the enforcement of REACH in the UK’.
                    register may also have implications for forward sales of
                    ‘registerable’ substances.                      index.htm.

                    1 Regulation 1907/2006/EC.
                    2 European Inventory of Existing Chemicals.     4 Health and Safety Executive.
                    3 The European Regulatory body overseeing the regime.  5 Regulation 340/2008.

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