Page 114 - Amo Amass A-muse is some of the fruit of a lifetimes love of Freemasonry - the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235
P. 114
114 Amo Amass A-Muse - Lodge of the Nine Muses
what does it expand into? Why can nothing go faster than the speed of Light or get colder
than absolute zero? or maybe we may yet find that something can. The more we discover
the more intricate and complex appears to be our Universe and the more it seems that
even our discoveries are the will of the Great Architect of the Universe, who created it.
One great difficulty is to appreciate what “when time with us shall be no more”,
means after we have left this sub-lunary abode. Such a condition is outside our perception.
“Everlasting” and “without beginning or end”, both imply time. “At the same moment”
may be nearer the mark because it implies that there is no other moment of interest yet
our actions and thoughts are one after another and not at the same moment. Can one
imagine viewing a television series all the same moment of time? This is difficult for us to
appreciate. Consider a body that lived upon a straight line. He would not appreciate being
able to move left and right and certainly not to move up and down as well.
We can, because we live in a three dimensional world. However a timeless world is
beyond our perception.
We can only consider these problems spiritually. That is, with our Soul or Ego. The
part of it which we comprehend when we say “I AM”, means that we have knowledge
of our existence on earth. The Mystery of “being”. But there is another part - “that vital
and immortal principle” — which has been given to us by “THE GREAT I AM”. It is
as if our souls straddled the Veil and divided our Ego between the shadow of this created
world and that part “which the eye of human reason cannot penetrate” and is of the
Spirit, eternal and immortal. Education has assisted us in gaining knowledge of Nature
and Science. This has affected the build up of our Ego. However, we have been given a
free choice of how we weigh these imponderables. Our real or perfect instinct directs us
in one direction whilst our physical or worldly instincts, although not of necessity wrong,
urges us in the other. It is not the physical Ego trying to look beyond the veil but rather
the spiritual part trying to influence the physical.
What are these imponderables, which the Great Architect enables us to interpret? The
substance must be eternal and not of the physical shadow. The most important of them
are :-- “The Good or Right” and its opposite shadow — “The Evil or Wrong.” Then
there is — “Truth or Knowledge” against —” Falsehood or Ignorance”. Finally there is
“Beautiful or Clean” versus — “Ugly or Dirty.” We feel happy when we follow the Good,
the Beautiful and the Truth, but shamed when we follow the Evil, the Ugly and the False.