Page 117 - Amo Amass A-muse is some of the fruit of a lifetimes love of Freemasonry - the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235
P. 117
Amo Amass A-Muse - Lodge of the Nine Muses 117
of any true religion or political party. It does not admit women, however worthy. It remains
sexless and we can see in our present permissive society how important this is.
Masonry is not for everyone. If it were not selective it could not survive. Yet, it embraces
every race and colour, living in every country, rich or poor, provided they have a living
and can support their family. Lodges too are often selective, catering for those in the same
town, the same occupation, or the same upbringing etc. This helps to bind together its
members in brotherly love. Only those that have a true belief in GOD, which we do
not define further, may become members. The Bible, or that book which its members
consider most sacred, called the V.O.S.L., must be open in view in all our assemblies,
because they are founded upon Religious Truth and Virtue.
A ‘Mole’ within a Lodge, however popular or plausible he may be, will lead to
dissentious, unhappiness and disaster. Hence a necessity for an obligation and careful
vetting of candidates. This goes also for Lodges and Grand Lodges which we call irregular
if they do not agree to essentials. These we are prohibited from contacting in any way.
In all ages, some of the greatest in all lands and in all professions have been members, yet
there is nothing to be gained financially or in ones career by becoming a member. Charity
or Brotherly Love is its only characteristic.
If we now sum up all these values, none of which are unimportant, they are still not, in my
opinion, sufficient to explain why Freemasonry has so stable a foundation to have withstood
the effects of time and the discoveries of Science. The reason must be found on an entirely
different plane. It is what the Scottish Bard, Robert Burns, called “The Mystic Tie.” We all know
in our hearts that this exists. The greatest Mathematician and thinker of modern times, Albert
Einstein, had this to say — “The most beautiful experience we can have is the Mysterious. It is
the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true Art and true Science.”
The Craft endures because it is in step with the natural growth of man from his birth.
I believe that it lies in the love and happiness of the sinless child. Their ‘make belief , their
love of ‘dressing up’ and in their Fairy Tales. It begins when, for the first time, the child
understands the meaning of the words “I am”. How many of us would not have wished
to remain like “Peter Pan”, the boy who never grew up. Such is the essence of brotherly
love. In particular, it endures because it is the natural development from the simple delight
of all happy children in their joy in “sharing a Secret” with those they love. This will always
endure. Let us then wonder at the ‘Wisdom’, ‘Strength’ and ‘Beauty’ of GOD’s Creation.
P.J.D. February 1980. revised September 1983