Page 26 - Ickford NP Basic Conditions Statement
P. 26


                     (i) special natural characteristics or cultural   vulnerability of the area in relation to its natural
                     heritage                                       or cultural heritage.
                     (ii) exceeded environmental quality
                     standards                                      There is an Ickford Conservation Area within
                     (iii) intensive land-use                       Ickford village and Little Ickford designated in
                                                                    1991 with a significant number of listed
                                                                    buildings clustered within. The neighbourhood
                                                                    plan would be able to provide greater support
                                                                    to enhance the setting of heritage, heritage
                                                                    assets and green spaces.

                                                                    The Ickford Neighbourhood Development Plan
                                                                    early draft includes a policy to improve the
                                                                    quality of design of development within the
                                                                    parish  if it is deemed to be needed. Therefore
                                                                    the plan if anything will have a positive impact
                                                                    on the conservation and enhancement of the
                                                                    historic environment and the areas heritage

                                                                    There are also expected to be specific policies
                                                                    on the Design in the Conservation Area and its
                                                                    setting, Green Infrastructure and Biodiversity,
                                                                    Local Green Spaces, Buildings of Local Note,
                                                                    Flooding. These policies can help address the
                                                                    value and vulnerability of the area to
                                                                    unsympathetic development.
                     2 (g) the effects on areas or landscapes   N   The Ickford Neighbourhood Development Plan
                     which have a recognised national,              Area is not within an area or landscape of a
                     community or international protection          nationally, internationally or community status.
                                                                    The plan is proposed to have a policy covering
                                                                    Landscape, Views and Dark Skies and
                                                                    development to take account of any adverse

                      5.0   Screening Outcome

                      5.1   The Ickford Neighbourhood Development Plan is not allocating any sites for
                             development and does not identify a housing target or a target for other forms
                             of development. The early draft stage of the plan contains a number of policies
                             to control environmental effects including restricting development to within
                             the existing settlement of Ickford, of a scale, density, height and massing
                             continguous with existing housing. Furthermore any new housing would have
                             to respect the existing pattern of development and retain and enhance natural
                             features and boundaries including trees, hedgerows and watercourses. The
                             extension or replacement of existing mall businesses in the parish will be
                             supported in principle. When taken together (as is required by law) with
                             relevant policies from the Local Plan policy and national planning policy, it is

                                                VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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