Page 25 - Ickford NP Basic Conditions Statement
P. 25


                                                             Neighbourhood Area.

              1(d) environmental problems relevant to   N    Ickford Neighbourhood Plan is not intended to
              the plan                                       allocate any land for development and is
                                                             unlikely to give rise to significant additional car
                                                             There are no Air Quality Management Areas
                                                             within or near to the Neighbourhood Area.

                                                             The early draft suggests there will be a policy
                                                             securing mitigation from adverse impacts on
                                                             the road network and pedestrian safety. This
                                                             would help address environmental problems.
              1 (e) the relevance of the plan or       N      The Ickford Neighbourhood Plan is to be
              programme for the implementation of            developed in general conformity with the
              Community legislation on the environment       AVDLP 2004) saved policies, the Minerals and
              (e.g. plans and programmes linked to           Waste Core Strategy (2012) Plan and national
              waste management or water protection)          policy. The plan has no relevance to the
                                                             implementation of community legislation.
              2 (a) the probability, duration, frequency   N   As the Ickford Neighbourhood Plan is not
              and reversibility of the effects               proposing to allocate land for development
                                                             there is unlikely to be any significant
                                                             environmental change involved in meeting the
                                                             needs of people living and working in the
                                                             parish. Any future development in the parish
                                                             will be restricted to land in Ickford village
                                                             contiguous with existing housing or
                                                             employment sites at existing small business
                                                             locations.  It is highly unlikely these will be
                                                             significant and have any irreversible damaging
                                                             environmental impacts associated with the
                                                             Ickford Neighbourhood Plan.
              2 (b) the cumulative nature of the effects    N   It is highly unlikely there will be any negative
                                                             cumulative effects of the policies, rather it
                                                             could potentially have moderate positive
                                                             effects. Any impact will be local in nature.
              2 (c) the trans boundary nature of the   N     Effects will be local with no expected impacts
              effects                                        on neighbouring areas.
              2 (d) the risks to human health or the   N     No risks have been identified.
              environment (e.g. due to accidents)

              2 (e) the magnitude and spatial extent of   N   The Neighbourhood Area covers an area which
              the effects (geographical area and size of     is 414.7 ha and contains a population is of 680
              the population likely to be affected)          residents (2011 census). The actual land where
                                                             new development is expected to be come
                                                             forward affected by the early draft is the village
                                                             itself and small businesses which in land take is
                                                             minimal in comparison to the total
                                                             Neighbourhood Area.
              2 (f) the value and vulnerability of the area   N   The Ickford Neighbourhood Development Plan
              likely to be affected due to:                  is unlikely to adversely affect the value and


                                         VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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