Page 23 - Ickford NP Basic Conditions Statement
P. 23


         4.2  The table below shows the assessment of whether or not the Ickford Neighbourhood
             Development Plan will require a full SEA. The questions below are drawn from the diagram above
             which sets out how the SEA Directive should be applied. The parish Council has given the District
             Council an early indication of the scope of the plan and the policy areas they intend to cover. This
             is what the screening is based on.

          Table 1: Establishing the Need for SEA
          Stage                                        Y/    Reason
          1. Is the plan subject to preparation and/or   Y   The Neighbourhood Development Plan will be
          adoption by a national, regional or local          adopted by a Local Planning Authority,
          authority OR prepared by an authority for          Aylesbury Vale District Council.
          adoption through a legislative procedure by
          Parliament or Government? (Art. 2(a))
          2. Is the plan required by legislative, regulatory   N   The Neighbourhood Development Plan is an
          or administrative provisions? (Art. 2(a))          optional plan produced by Ickford Parish
          3. Is the plan prepared for agriculture, forestry,   N   The Neighbourhood Development Plan is
          fisheries, energy, industry, transport, waste      prepared for town and country planning
          management, water management,                      purposes, but it does not set a framework for
          telecommunications, tourism, town and country      future development consent of projects in
          planning or land use, AND does it set a            Annexes I and II to the EIA Directive (Art 3.2(a)).
          framework for future development consent of
          projects in Annexes I and II to the EIA Directive?
          (Art 3.2(a))
          4. Will the plan, in view of its likely effect on   N   There are no areas of Natura 2000 sites (Special
          sites, require an assessment for future            Areas of Conservation or Special Protection
          development under Article 6 or 7 of the            Areas) in the parish. The nearest such sites are
          Habitats Directive?                                Port Meadow (Oxford Meadows SAC) 21km
          (Art. 3.2 (b))                                     away to the west and Aston Rowant SAC 14 km
                                                             away to the south. There have been sitings of
                                                             Pipistrellus pygmeaus, a Pipistrellus species, a
                                                             Plecotus Auritus and a Myotis Nattereri all
                                                             species protected under the Habitats Directive.
                                                             These were sighted at various locations around
                                                             the village between 2002-2012. There are
                                                             Biological Notification Sites within 2km of
                                                             Ickford village but these are not protected by
                                                             the Habitats Directive. Therefore there would
                                                             not be any impact on the Natura 2000 sites.
                                                             This impact can be subject to re-screening at
                                                             the Pre Submission, Submission and
                                                             Referendum stages of the plan.
          5. Does the plan determine the use of small   Y    The early draft Neighbourhood Plan does not
          areas at local level, OR is it a                   intend to allocate any sites or identify areas of
          minor modification of a plan subject to Art. 3.2?   specific quantities new development other than
          (Art. 3.3)                                         general policies covering the settlement
                                                             boundary and policies for economic
                                                             development (small business) replacement or


                                         VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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