Page 24 - Ickford NP Basic Conditions Statement
P. 24


                                                                    limited expansion.

                 6. Does the plan set the framework for future   Y    The Neighbourhood Plan does intend to set a
                 development consent of projects (not just          framework for future development consent of
                 projects in annexes to the EIA Directive)? (Art    projects, including land allocated for housing.
                 7. Is the plans sole purpose to serve the    N     The purpose of the Neighbourhood Plan is not
                 national defence or civil emergency, OR is it a    for any of the projects listed in Art 3.8, 3.9.
                 financial or budget PP, OR is it co-financed by
                 structural funds or EAGGF programmes 2000 to
                 2006/7? (Art 3.8, 3.9)
                 8. Is it likely to have a significant effect on the   N   The Neighbourhood Plan is not intending
                 environment? (Art. 3.5)                            allocating any sites for development and would
                                                                    seek to restrict future housing to small scale
                                                                    areas within the settlement boundary of Ickford
                                                                    subject to general policies of the plan. There is a
                                                                    policy which supports economic development
                                                                    but only replacement of existing small business
                                                                    sites or limited expansion.
                     1 (a) the degree to which the plan or    N     The Ickford Neighbourhood Plan is intended to
                     programme sets a framework for projects        set out a spatial vision for the designated
                     and other activities, either with regard to    Neighbourhood Area and provide objectives
                     the location, nature, size and operating       and policies to guide sustainable development
                     conditions or by allocating resources          coming forward.  However the plan is not
                                                                    allocating any sites for development.
                     1 (b) the degree to which the plan or    N     The Ickford Neighbourhood Plan, where
                     programme influences other plans or            possible, will respond to rather than influence
                     programmes including those in a hierarchy.     other plans or programmes. A Neighbourhood
                                                                    Plan can only provide policies for the area it
                                                                    covers while the policies at the District and
                                                                    National level provide a strategic context for
                                                                    the Ickford Neighbourhood Plan to be in general
                                                                    conformity with.

                                                                    None of the policies in the Neighbourhood Plan
                                                                    are anticipated to have a direct impact on other
                                                                    plans in neighbouring areas.
                     1 (c) the relevance of the plan or       N     Proposals to be set out in the Ickford
                     programme for the integration of               Neighbourhood Plan will look to balance
                     environmental considerations in particular     environmental, social and economic
                     with a view to promoting sustainable           considerations of sustainable development.
                     development                                    However the Ickford Neighbourhood Plan early
                                                                    draft recognises that for rural communities such
                                                                    as Ickford, the importance of the surrounding
                                                                    environment is particularly acute.

                                                                    It is considered that the Ickford Neighbourhood
                                                                    Plan early draft  in its sensitive and mitigating
                                                                    policies to address constraints may have a
                                                                    positive impact on local environmental assets
                                                                    and places valued by local people in the


                                                VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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