Page 30 - Ickford NP Background Evidence
P. 30


               Appendix A

                 In line with Plan objectives,

               Ickford residents have taken part in a Wildlife Survey.  • Within the Village area interesting sightings
               Also we have sourced other published data, for example,  included:
               the Thame & Chiltern Bird Atlas distribution survey and
               that of the British Butterfly Conservation. This has       Barn Owl      (50%),
               strengthened our evidence base for some of our policies    Raven         (29%) and
               relating to Ickford’s biodiversity.                        Red Kite      (80%).
                 Twenty-eight questionnaires have been analysed
               providing the following data:                      In fact, encouragingly, 7 different raptor species were
                                                                  reported. However, Little Owl and Sky Lark, both common
                                                                  20 years ago, were not reported.
                                                                    The extent of the raptor population tends to signify that a
               46 species were identified and certain conclusions can be  healthy small mammal population is present in our location.

                 •  The wetland environment and its preservation is
                    very important with evidence of a broad number of  Respondents recorded 18 different mammal species in the
                    species attracted to this special habitat.    area which is encouraging. Pleasing were the reports of;
                       17 species associated with the habitat were
                    identified with the endangered Curlew, seen by     Hedgehogs        (50%)
                    21% of respondents and 43% reported seeing the     Muntjac          (80%) – a recent addition to
                    Heron.                                                              the locality, and
                                                                       Badger           (64%).

                                                VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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