Page 73 - Vauxhall 20-60 H.P. (R Type) Chassis Shop Manual
P. 73


                                       –  Remove the thrust screw7 in the commutator end of the armature shaft.
                                          Then by tapping the commutator end of the armature shaft it can be
                                          removed from the yoke together with the driving end bracket.

                                       –  Remove the bearing from commutator end bracket. To remove the
                                          bearing from the driving end bracket it is necessary to remove the three
                                          rivets that secure the housing to the bearing plate.
                                       –  Remove the four screws fixing the commutator end bracket to the yoke.
                                          Release the eyelets on the leads from the field coils.
                                       –  Remove pin from bearing collar on the driving end of the shaft. Unscrew’
                                          bearing collar. Remove sleeve, pinion, and spring from shaft.


                       SECTION         –  Examine bearings. These should rotate freely and quietly. If rough or
                          372             radially slack they should be renewed.

                                       The bearings should be packed with a good quality high melting point
                                       grease. Examine commutator. If blackened it should be cleaned in the same
                                       manner as the dynamo commutator ( Section 363 ).

                                       TO RE-ASSEMBLE AND REPLACE

                       SECTION         Reverse operations detailed in ( Sections 371 and 370 ) respectively.
                                       ELECTRIC HORN ( Before R 2836 )

                       SECTION         Description — On cars bearing chassis numbers prior to R 2836 the horn is
                          374          of the single terminal earth return type and mounted on the engine rocker

                                       cover, and the horn push is situated on the instrument board, to the right
                                       of the steering column.

                                       ELECTRIC HORN ( After R 2835 )

                       SECTION         On and after chassis number R 2836 the horn is a two terminal insulated
                          375          type and the horn push is situated in the centre of the steering wheel.

                                       ( See Figure 16 )

                       SECTION         Should the electric horn give a harsh or otherwise unsatisfactory note,
                          376          proceed as follows:— Remove the back cover from the horn by inserting a

                                       screwdriver in the slot at the bottom of the cover and prise it off. Slacken
                                       the locking nut

                                       ‘A’ and turn the adjusting screw ‘B’ in a little at a time until the required
                                       note is obtained. Finally tighten the locking nut ‘A’. Under no circumstances
                                       should the screw ‘C’ be interfered with. A sudden and complete failure of
                                       the horn is most likely due to a loose terminal connection or a short circuit,
                                       in which case the wiring and terminal connections should be inspected.

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