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192  16[2006/2007]4 ULR                                                       UK CURRENT SURVEY


                                                    British Airports Authority


                    WebTrak                         Both BAA Stansted and Heathrow airports have launched a new aircraft track replay
                    25 May 2007                     system called ‘WebTrak’.  The system will allow the public to see flight tracks for aircraft
                                                    using these airports, together with details of their height, location and flight number. The
                                                    system is intended to assist local residents to find out more about the likely effects of
                                                    aircraft noise on their communities.

                                                    Civil Aviation Authority


                    Air Navigation Order exemptions  The CAA has announced general exemptions from the Air Navigation Order (‘ANO’)
                    1 May 2007                      for light aircraft engaged on non-public flights.  The exemptions cover the requirement in
                                                    the ANO to carry an approved emergency locator transmitter and also the requirement
                                                    for approved lifejackets, life rafts and supplementary oxygen equipment.  The original
                                                    intention of the ANO change for lifejackets, life raft and supplementary oxygen equipment
                                                    had been to require suitable equipment rather than approved equipment.  Their carriage
                                                    will still be required, but the CAA intends to issue a general exemption stating that this
                                                    equipment need not be approved.  Similarly a general exemption will be issued permitting
                                                    a personal locator beacon to be carried in lieu of an emergency locator transmitter.

                    Air navigation service providers  It has been confirmed that all UK air navigation service providers that were compliant
                    13 July 2007                    with the new European Common Requirements in advance of the 21 June deadline have
                                                    been certified in accordance with the Regulation.  Air navigation service providers provide
                                                    air traffic services, meteorological and aviation information and aviation communications,
                                                    navigation and surveillance services.

                                                    Department for Transport

                    Disabled travellers             From 26 July 2007 it will be illegal for an airline, travel agent or tour operator in Europe
                    5 July 2007                     to refuse to embark a disabled person with a valid ticket and reservation.  EC Regulation
                                                    1107/2006 imposes new legal obligations on airport operators, air carriers, their agents
                                                    or tour operators. The law also covers persons with reduced mobility, including people
                                                    who would not normally be classed as disabled (for example, those with a temporary
                                                    mobility problem).  From 26 July 2008 airport managing bodies will be required to organise
                                                    the provision of the services necessary to enable disabled/reduced mobility passengers
                                                    to board, disembark and transit between flights, with costs recovered through a charge
                                                    on airlines proportionate to the total number of passengers they carry to and from the
                                                    airport. Anyone refused boarding on the grounds of disability or reduced mobility will be
                                                    able to complain to the Disability Rights Commission who can refer the matter to the
                                                    Civil Aviation Authority which has the power to prosecute and impose a fine.

                                                    Office of Fair Trading


                    British Airways fined           A fine of £121.5 million has been imposed (the highest ever for infringements of
                    113.07 1 August 2007            competition law) on British Airways for colluding over the price of long-haul passenger
                                                    fuel surcharges. British Airways admitted that it colluded with Virgin Atlantic between
                                                    August 2004 and January 2006 over the surcharges added to ticket prices in response to
                                                    rising oil prices. Over that period the surcharges rose from £5 to £60 per ticket for a
                                                    typical long-haul flight. Virgin Atlantic will not pay any penalty since it qualifies in principle
                                                    for full immunity under the OFT’s leniency policy, whereby a company involved in cartel
                                                    conduct which is the first to give full details about it to the OFT qualifies for immunity

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