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UK CURRENT SURVEY                                                           16[2006/2007]4 ULR  187

                                                         the process by which people may make representations.
                                                      •  The Register of Permits kept by the Secretary of State must now contain details of
                                                         public participation in the decision-making process including a summary of the concerns
                                                         expressed and a reason for the decision.
                                                      The above measures are intended to increase the level of public scrutiny and debate
                                                      surrounding applications for offshore licences and permits, and the decisions of the Secretary
                                                      of State. The move away from simple Gazette notices means that members of the public
                                                      not previously aware of developments potentially affecting the environment can become
                                                      engaged in the decision-making process.

                                                      Health and Safety Executive

                      New gas installer registration scheme  The HSE has announced a competition to run a new gas installer registration scheme
                      EO29:07  27 July 2007           aimed at improving domestic gas safety standards.  The elements of the new scheme will

                                                      •  single provider appointed to run the new scheme for five years,
                                                      •  the new registration scheme provider will co-ordinate stronger industry action to
                                                         raise public awareness of gas safety,
                                                      •  the new provider will have other functions, for example, dealing with illegal, –
                                                         unregistered installers, and
                                                      •  it will be asked to review the competence requirements for registration of gas installers
                                                         in order to simplify the current requirements and reduce burdens on installers.

                                                      The competition will involve a two-stage process whereby interested parties submit a
                                                      written pre-qualification statement establishing their competence to submit a full bid.  The
                                                      overall objective of the gas installer registration scheme is to ensure safe standards of gas
                                                      work to contribute to consumer gas safety.  CORGI (the Council of Registered Gas
                                                      Installers) is currently approved by HSE to undertake this task and it maintains a register of
                                                      installers qualified to install or repair gas fittings and appliances.  CORGI will be allowed to
                                                      bid alongside other prospective bidders, and the new scheme is expected to be in place
                                                      before the end of July 2008.


                      Smart energy meters             Smart meters provide a number of benefits to consumers such as:
                      R/31  12 July 2007
                                                      •  relaying energy use directly to a supplier, avoiding the need for estimated bills,
                                                      •  allowing customers to track their energy use, and
                                                      •  potentially improving take-up of home electricity generation such as solar panels, as
                                                         they can record how much power customers may be exporting back onto the

                                                      New two-year trials will look at how customers react to smart meters which give  better
                                                      information on gas and electricity consumption.  The government is also working to remove
                                                      regulatory barriers which could potentially prevent or delay their widespread use.

                                                      POSTAL SERVICES

                                                      Office of Fair Trading

                      Misleading mailings             A US-based publisher, De Monaco Heritage Fund (and its Swiss marketers-Proveritas AG),
                      73/07  14 May 2007 and 89/07  22  has given assurances that it will no longer distribute mailings in the United Kingdom which
                      June 2007                       misleadingly imply that consumers have been selected to receive a large cash award.  The
                                                      letters claimed to have come from Jacqueline De Monaco, the founder of a private fund

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