Page 47 - Lawtext Utility Law Review Journal Sample
P. 47

194  16[2006/2007]4 ULR                                                       UK CURRENT SURVEY

                                                    Office of Fair Trading


                    Cardiff Bus Company             The OFT has provisionally found that the Cardiff Bus Company (which is council-owned)
                    74/07  15 May 2007              has behaved in a predatory manner designed to eliminate competitors.  It issued a statement
                                                    of objections relating to the bus company’s behaviour between April 2004 and February
                                                    2005, during which time the company deliberately made a loss after another bus company,
                                                    2Travel plc, entered the market.  Predatory behaviour is defined as a dominant company
                                                    sustaining losses in the short term with the knowledge that it will be able to recoup
                                                    them once the competition is forced to exit and is in breach of the Competition Act
                                                    1998.  The Act prohibits agreements, practices and conduct likely to have a damaging
                                                    effect on competition in the United Kingdom, and the Chapter II prohibition covers
                                                    abusive conduct by an undertaking in a dominant position in a relevant market.


                                                    Department for Transport

                    Alcohol limits for leisure mariners  An alcohol limit is to be introduced for non-professional mariners.  The limit of 80 milligrams
                    13 June 2007                    per 100 millilitres of blood will be equivalent to that already in existence for professional
                                                    mariners and will apply to those persons involved in the navigation of a vessel greater than
                                                    seven metres in length and or capable of a maximum speed of more than seven knots.  The
                                                    alcohol limit is being introduced under Part 4 of the Railways and Transport Safety Act 2003
                                                    which received Royal Assent on the 10 July 2003.  The three alcohol limit are:

                                                    •  in the case of breath, 35 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres
                                                    •  in the case of blood, 80 milligrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres
                                                    •  in the case of urine, 107 milligrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres.

                                                    Office of Fair Trading

                    Bid-rigging and price-fixing – marine  The OFT is carrying out on-site searches as part of a criminal investigation into suspected
                    hose                            cartel conduct relating to the marine hose market, and for the first time it has searched
                    70/07  3 May 2007               a home address as part of a cartel investigation.  (Marine hoses are used typically by the
                                                    oil and defence industries to transport oil between tankers and storage facilities.)  The
                                                    allegations under investigation relate to a possible worldwide conspiracy between
                                                    executives of several companies to rig bids, fix prices and allocate markets in supplying
                                                    marine hoses. The suspected cartel could have affected contracts worth hundreds of
                                                    millions of pounds.  The OFT’s investigation has been carried out under the Enterprise
                                                    Act 2002 and co-ordinated with investigations by the US Department of Justice.  It has
                                                    also assisted the European Commission in connection with its investigation under Article
                                                    81 of the EC Treaty. Under section 188 of the Act, it is an offence for individuals to
                                                    dishonestly agree that businesses will engage in certain types of cartel activity.  Individuals
                                                    convicted under the Act may be sentenced to up to five years’ imprisonment and/or an
                                                    unlimited fine.  Companies found to have infringed Article 81 of the EC Treaty may be
                                                    fined up to 10 per cent of their annual worldwide turnover.

                                                    Competition Commission


                    Price reduction ordered         Following their merger, South East Water and Mid Kent Water have been ordered to pay
                    22/07  1 May 2007               a price reduction of £4 million to their customers (to come into effect in 2008/9).  It was
                                                    decided that the merger would prejudice Ofwat’s ability to make comparisons between
                                                    water enterprises to a limited extent.  In general, however, the merger is expected to
                                                    generate customer benefits and to result in cost savings.  It may also result in improved
                                                    water resource sharing and planning across what were previously company boundaries.

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