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P. 41

188  16[2006/2007]4 ULR                                                       UK CURRENT SURVEY

                                                   intended to help others, and stated that the recipient was privately nominated for an
                                                   award from the fund that would help to take their life in a ‘new direction’. The misleading
                                                   impression was given that recipients would receive substantial cash awards through further
                                                   claims and advised that to receive their award they must pay a nominal and administrative
                                                   fee of £24.  Those who responded to the mailings and enclosed the fee received in return
                                                   only a letter, a book and a pack of cards.  The OFT has also received assurances from the
                                                   US-based company Kirkwood Advertising LLC that it will no longer distribute mailings
                                                   advertising weight loss treatment to UK consumers.  The OFT expressed concerns over
                                                   potentially misleading claims for a SlimBall product claiming to assist dramatic weight loss.



                    High Court judgment            The High Court has judged that Postcomm decided reasonably and properly that a financial
                    25 May 2007                    penalty of £1 million (originally imposed in July 2006) should be imposed on Royal Mail for
                                                   failing to take adequate steps to ensure it did not gain an unfair commercial advantage over
                                                   its competitors.  Postcomm had found that Royal Mail had not put in place adequate
                                                   measures within its wholesale and retail divisions to prevent it obtaining an unfair advantage
                                                   over its competitors as stipulated in Condition 10 of its licence.  It also found a failure in
                                                   compliance.  The findings were not challenged in the appeal brought by Royal Mail. However,
                                                   the penalty was quashed because of a technical difficulty in its policy for calculating financial
                                                   penalties in cases where the benefit to Royal Mail and the burden on others from the
                                                   licence contravention cannot be assessed.  The court held that Postcomm could not depart
                                                   from its published penalty policy in the circumstances of the case.

                    Bulk mail compensation         Postcomm has agreed to Royal Mail’s request to suspend, until the end of the year, the
                    26 June 2007                   payment of compensation to bulk mail customers and to ensure that the company is not
                                                   subject to a downward adjustment to its allowed revenues (known as the ‘C factor’)
                                                   where industrial action has taken place and quality of service figures have dropped. Postcomm
                                                   wishes to ensure that in the light of Royal Mail’s current financial position, including its
                                                   substantial pension deficit, the possibility of having to pay compensation and/or earning
                                                   reduced revenue in 2008 does not discourage the company from taking the steps needed
                                                   to modernise its business.  Postcomm’s agreement to these suspensions is subject to
                                                   several safeguards for customers.

                    Zonal pricing application      Postcomm is to reject Royal Mail’s application to charge large mailers who use products
                    23 July 2007                   which are not part of the universal service different prices, depending on where in the
                                                   United Kingdom their mail is delivered.  Royal Mail calls this zonal pricing.


                                                   Office of Fair Trading

                    Interactive scams guides       The OFT has produced a series of interactive scams guides to assist people in avoiding
                    80/07  7 June 2007             being tricked into losing money. Mass-marketed scams are an OFT priority. £3.5 billion is
                                                   lost by consumers each year and the three guides (‘Prize Draw Scam Mailing’, ‘Bogus
                                                   Lottery Mailing’, and ‘Fake Clairvoyant Mailing’) expose the tactics used by scammers.

                    Internet shopping              The OFT has released a report into internet shopping which concludes that although the
                    85/07  19 June 2007            rapid growth of internet shopping has benefited both consumers and businesses, more
                                                   could be made of the many opportunities offered.  The UK internet shopping market is
                                                   worth over £21.4 billion and during 2006 over 20 million consumers shopped online.
                                                   However, some shoppers could find better bargains by learning to shop more effectively
                                                   and many could do more to protect themselves online.  Most consumers seem unaware

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