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176  16[2006/2007]4 ULR                                                 EUROPEAN CURRENT SURVEY

                    European Commission requests ECJ  The European Commission has requested the ECJ to impose a lump sum penalty and a
                    to oblige Greece to comply with its  periodic penalty on Greece for its failure to implement the Commission Decision of 2002
                    Decision of 2002 declaring subsidies  in relation to the recovery of State Aid granted by Greece to Olympic Airways between
                    granted to Olympic Airways illegal  1998 and 2002. On 12 May 2005, the ECJ confirmed that the Greek authorities had failed
                    (IP/06/1424) 18 October 2006   to recover from the airline State Aid estimated at least €161 million. This comprises €41
                                                   million of illegal restructuring aid and another estimated €120 million of operational aid,
                                                   that is, non-payment of various sums the company owes to the Greek State such as VAT
                                                   on fuel and airport charges. Having regard to the seriousness and duration of the
                                                   infringement, the Commission requests the ECJ to impose on Greece a lump sum payment
                                                   of €10,512 for each day since the ECJ judgment of 2005 until Commission Decision of
                                                   2002 has been implemented. If, nevertheless, this Decision is not fully implemented at the
                                                   request of the ECJ, then the court may also impose on Greece, from the day of this ruling,
                                                   a periodic penalty payment of €53,611 per day until the decision of 2002 is effectively

                    European Commission continues  The European Commission has announced that, although the negotiations on a PNR
                    negotiations with the United States  agreement between the EU and the United States could not be concluded before 1 October
                    concerning airline passenger data  2006 (that is, within the timeframe provided for by the ECJ in its judgment), Commission
                    (MEMO/06/360) 1 October 2006   Vice-President Frattini and US Homeland Security Secretary Cherftoff have agreed that
                                                   the negotiations will continue with a view to concluding an agreement as soon as possible.
                                                   It was noted that much progress has already been made and it is in the interests of all
                                                   concerned, travellers, airlines, law enforcement agencies and data protection authorities,
                                                   that a new agreement is concluded as soon possible. In the meantime, the Commission has
                                                   urged the United States to continue to apply the safeguards for PNR data that were laid
                                                   down in the now-lapsed 2004 agreement until such time as a new agreement is reached so
                                                   as to minimise the risk of legal uncertainty and disruption to EU–US flights.

                    European Commission opens      The European Commission has opened an in-depth investigation into possible aid granted
                    investigation into financial support to  by the German Land of Saxony to DHL and Leipzig/Halle airport, through the financing of
                    DHL and Leipzig/Halle airport  the new southern runway and in the form of financial guarantees. The construction of the
                    (IP/06/1603) 22 November 2006  southern runway would be financed by capital contributions from the Land of Saxony,
                                                   which is the main shareholder of Leipzig/Halle airport. A preliminary assessment by the
                                                   Commission indicates that the revenues from this new runway might not be sufficient to
                                                   cover the additional costs or to provide return on the capital invested by the Land of
                                                   Saxony that would be expected by a market investor. Moreover, since this new runway
                                                   appears to be dedicated to DHL operations, its public financing might have to be analysed
                                                   as a commercial operation that raises State Aid concerns. In particular, the Commission
                                                   wants to ensure that DHL has not received additional State Aid over and above the
                                                   regional investment aid already approved by the Commission for the new DHL hub at
                                                   Leipzig-Halle Airport. The risk is that further aid would distort competition in the European
                                                   express parcel market.

                    High-level group set up to advise  Two years after the adoption of the rules on the Single European Sky, the European
                    European Commission on the future  Commission wishes to further pursue the simplification of the organisation of the sector.
                    of aviation regulation         In September 2006, the Commission invited representatives of the national civil aviation
                    (IP/06/1529) 8 November 2006   administrations, aviation industry and Eurocontrol to a conference in Brussels to find ways
                                                   to improve the efficiency and performance of the system, while ensuring the highest safety
                                                   standards. The conference made some radical conclusions, which are now being followed
                                                   up by the creation of a ‘high-level group’. The group is composed of selected high level
                                                   representatives of the European states, air navigation service providers, airspace users,
                                                   airports and aviation industry. Both European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and Eurocontrol
                                                   are also represented. The group aims to report back to the Commission mid-2007, with
                                                   proposals on the public sector functions in European aviation.

                    Vice-President Barrot leads high-level  The European Union–India aviation summit, jointly organised by the European Commission
                    delegation to EU–India aviation  and the Ministry of Civil Aviation of India, took place in New Delhi on 23–24 November
                    summit                         2006. The summit aimed to enhance political and industrial co-operation between India
                    (IP/06/1588) 20 November 2006  and the EU in the aviation sector. India is one of the world’s fastest growing aviation

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