Page 31 - Lawtext Utility Law Review Journal Sample
P. 31

178  16[2006/2007]4 ULR                                                 EUROPEAN CURRENT SURVEY

                                                  Rail transport

                    European Commission acts against  The European Commission has decided to pursue infringement proceedings against 13 EU
                    13 Member States for their failure to  Member States that have failed to notify the Commission of the implementation of two key
                    notify implementation of the Second  Directives of the Second Railway Package into their domestic legislation. These two Directives
                    Railway Package               aim to ensure high levels of safety and interoperability for rail business across Europe. The
                    (IP/06/1383) 12 October 2006  13 countries failing to notify the Commission of their transposition of the Directives are
                                                  Belgium, Germany, Estonia, Greece, Spain, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal,
                                                  Sweden, Slovenia and the Slovak Republic. The Commission indicated that if any of these
                                                  Member States fails to respond to the Commission’s reasoned opinion (by notifying its
                                                  transposition measures), the Commission may decide to take the case before the ECJ.

                    European Commission approves a  The European Commission has authorised a prolongation of an aid scheme to support the
                    prolongation of UK aid encouraging  movement of intermodal containers by rail in the United Kingdom. The aid promotes the
                    movement of intermodal containers  transfer of traffic flows from road to rail. The grant will provide continued support for the
                    by rail                       deep-sea, short sea and domestic intermodal container businesses that currently use rail.
                    (IP/06/1387) 13 October 2006  Any company, whether or not owned or controlled by UK nationals, can apply for revenue
                                                  support under the scheme if it is acting as an operator or contractor of an eligible rail
                                                  service. The allocated budget is £20 million (€29 million) a year and the total amount of the
                                                  budget is £60 million (€87 million). The notified scheme is limited to a three-year period
                                                  starting on 1 April 2007. Before the end of this period, an evaluation report will be submitted
                                                  to the Commission to assess the prolongation of the scheme.

                    EESC meets with the Polish State  A delegation of the European Economic and Social Committee (‘EESC’) met with the
                    Secretary for Transport to push ‘Rail  Polish State Secretary for Transport and underlined the need for immediate investment in
                    Baltica’                      and the restructuring of Poland’s rail infrastructure, that is, using the financial allocations
                    (CES/06/112) 23 November 2006  from the 2007–2013 budget for investing in protecting unique biotopes and nature, diverting
                                                  transport loads from road to rail, creating sustainable low-cost transport facilities, and
                                                  making structural changes. The EESC delegation also called for immediate and urgent action
                                                  to combat rapidly increasing transit traffic in the Podlaskie region. The EESC believes that
                                                  investment in rail infrastructure, the ‘Rail Baltica’, is the best solution to ease huge traffic
                                                  problems in the region. This option has been shown to be economically viable, sustainable
                                                  and environmentally friendly. More than this, Rail Baltica can obtain the optimal degree of
                                                  support from the EU Cohesion Fund, as well as the TEN-Transport fund budget.

                    European Commission approves  The European Commission has cleared the acquisition of the activities of the French
                    proposed acquisition by Thales of  telecommunications group Alcatel in rail signalling and supervision, and in systems integration,
                    Alcatel’s rail and systems integration  by the French company Thales. Thales is active in the integration of critical information
                    activities                    systems for the defence, aeronautics and transport industries and for public administrations.
                    (IP/06/1520) 7 November 2006  Alcatel’s ‘Divisions Transport et Systèmes’ are active in signalling and supervision for the rail
                                                  industry and in the integration of information systems for railways, airports and the oil and
                                                  gas industry. The Commission’s examination of the proposed transaction showed that there
                                                  are only limited horizontal overlaps between Thales and the relevant divisions of Alcatel
                                                  and that the combined company would continue to face several strong and effective
                                                  competitors with significant market shares. The proposed concentration was thus not likely
                                                  to have a negative impact on competition in any relevant market.

                                                  Maritime transport
                    EIB loan for Rotterdam’s Delta  The European Investment Bank (‘EIB’) has granted a €100 million loan to the Rotterdam
                    Terminal                      Port Authority for the construction of a barge feeder terminal and for the expansion of a
                    (BEI/06/112) 25 October 2006  container terminal located in the west of the Maasvlakte area. This project will increase the
                                                  container handling capacity of the Port of Rotterdam and should further strengthen
                                                  Rotterdam’s position as Europe’s biggest cargo and container port, and thereby improve
                                                  links within the EU and with the rest of the world. In addition, the barge feeder terminal will
                                                  strengthen the multimodal nature of traffic flows from the port, thereby reducing traffic
                                                  problems and the concomitant environmental pollution in the wider Rotterdam area.

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