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EUROPEAN CURRENT SURVEY                                                     16[2006/2007]4 ULR  177

                                                      markets and is of strategic importance to the EU and its industry. The European delegation
                                                      to the summit included nearly 150 representatives from airlines, airports, aerospace
                                                      industries, national governments and the European Commission. The issues addressed
                                                      during the summit included market trends, infrastructure needs and opportunities for
                                                      investment in both markets, aviation safety and security policies and scope for co-operation,
                                                      air traffic management and possible co-operation in the EU’s Single European Sky technology
                                                      and SESAR, and future EU–India co-operation in civil aviation including technical assistance
                                                      and industrial co-operation.

                      European Commission allows Malta  The European Commission has decided to allow Malta to grant start-up aid for new air
                      to aid the creation of new air routes  routes from Malta International Airport. The measure will last until September 2011 and
                      (IP/06/1606) 22 November 2006   will provide for a total of €58 million to airlines in order to finance new routes. The
                                                      primary objective of the aid is to improve connectivity by enhancing access to air transport
                                                      services which are of basic importance for the economic and social development of Malta.
                                                      The measure approved by the Commission provides for the public funding of new services
                                                      departing from Malta International Airport. The aid is designed to help airlines wishing to
                                                      establish new routes to and from the airport by meeting part of their start-up costs and
                                                      route-specific marketing aid. The Commission found that the proposed scheme is in
                                                      conformity with the Community rules adopted in 2005 in order to favour the development
                                                      of regional airports and the mobility of EU citizens.

                                                      Road transport

                      EIB grants a loan of €650 million for  The European Investment Bank (‘EIB’) has granted a loan of €300 million to Poland for the
                      the Polish road network         extension of the motorway network, and a loan of €350 million for the modernisation of
                      (BEI/06/113) 25 October 2006    priority roads, in accordance with the implementation of the Polish National Road
                                                      Programme. The loan of €300 million will finance the extension of the Polish motorway
                                                      network, focusing on the elimination of key bottlenecks, mostly on the borders with adjacent
                                                      EU Member States. The project covers sections of the A1, A4 and A6 motorways, which
                                                      are situated on priority transport axes along trans-European corridors. The loan of €350
                                                      million will support the rehabilitation and reconstruction of the Polish national road network,
                                                      plus upgrading road pavements, bridges and other structures located all over the country.
                                                      This should enhance the structural capacity of the national road network and improve
                                                      safety in the light of increased traffic.

                      New Directives for safer roads in the  The European Commission has adopted two proposals for Directives concerning safety
                      EU                              on the roads in the EU. The first Directive aims at improving safety on the major roads, that
                      (IP/06/1316) 5 October 2006     is, the trans-European transport network (TEN-T), through infrastructure measures and
                                                      better engineering. It defines guidelines and best practices for all stages of infrastructure
                                                      management, including road safety impact assessments, road safety audits, network safety
                                                      management and safety inspections. The Directive does not impose technical standards or
                                                      procedures, but invites Member States to make better use of existing procedures and
                                                      practices. The second Directive provides for existing heavy vehicles to be equipped with
                                                      ‘blind spot mirrors’ in order to reduce the number of accidents involving cyclists and
                                                      motorcyclists in particular. This measure aims to protect particularly vulnerable road users
                                                      such as cyclists and motorcyclists.

                      EIB provides €520 million in support  The European Investment Bank (‘EIB’) has agreed with the Hungarian Government two
                      of Hungarian projects           finance contracts relating to the construction of 72 km of motorway sections and by-pass
                      (BEI/06/131) 30 November 2006   connections on the M3/M35 motorway. The M3/M35 motorway, as part of the Trans-
                                                      European Network, links the Hungarian capital Budapest with the less developed regions
                                                      of Hungary in the East. The new motorway sections will increase road safety and help to
                                                      cope with the increased traffic flow since Hungary joined the EU. The EIB and the Hungarian
                                                      Development Bank have also agreed on a €100 million operation to finance various projects
                                                      in the areas of infrastructure, energy, environmental protection, and so on. The loan targets
                                                      projects relating to transport development, energy (mainly efficiency and renewable) and
                                                      environmental protection. These EIB funds will be lent to Hungarian municipalities or
                                                      associations thereof, or to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises to improve their
                                                      access to medium and long-term financing and to support various projects.

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