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                                                            STRATEGIC ISSUES – SCOTLAND – HENDRY : (2008) 20 ELM 147
                    Summary findings:                               Adapt and survive
                                                                    This is the first part of a two-stage consultation on
                                                                    developing a climate change adaptation strategy for
                                                                    Scotland. This paper proposes a series of strategic
                                                                    principles and priority actions. In 2009, the second part
                    Climate change
                                                                    will consider the roles of various authorities and other
                                                                    decision makers.
                    There have been a series of consultations and other
                                                                       The paper is broad-based. It identifies relevant sectors
                    documents related to climate change, of which this section
                                                                    – agriculture and forestry of course, nature conservation,
                    will review the most significant.
                                                                    water and flood management, and land use planning –
                                                                    and sets out principles which are unobjectionable, if
                    The Climate Change Bill                         perhaps a little bland. There is a useful annex on recent
                                                                    and future trends in weather, sea levels etc, and another
                    The government has published individual responses, but
                                                                    on steps already being taken. There is some useful
                    no analysis as yet, to the consultation on the Climate
                                                                    discussion on links with UK processes, the Scottish
                    Change Bill. A high number of responses (318 in all)
                                                                    <climate change?>bill and UK Act, and various reporting
                    included some where the name of the respondent was
                                                                    mechanisms. There are plenty of indications that key
                    published, but not the content, and several individuals
                                                                    stakeholders are already taking action in this area, and as
                    whose responses were included but whose name was
                                                                    with the recent consultations on a flooding bill, the
                    withheld. As ever, it is the individuals (not necessarily the
                                                                    government is stressing individual responsibility as well
                    anonymous ones) who are most critical of the proposals,
                                                                    as the role of authorities. That will undoubtedly be
                    and in some cases of the entire climate change debate.
                                                                    necessary, but as with flooding, and climate change at
                    However, an unscientific selection suggests the majority
                                                                    global level, it is those least able to help themselves who
                    of respondents are supportive both of the headline figure
                                                                    will be most likely to suffer in the shorter and longer
                    of a reduction of 80 per cent (see (2008) 20 ELM 1 at
                                                                    term.The consultation is open until 31 October.
                    45), but also of year on year emissions targets. Many also
                    wish to include emissions from the maritime and aviation
                    sectors, but that may be outwith the competence of the  Scottish Government 2008 Adapting Our Ways: Managing
                    Scottish administration.                        Scotland’s Climate Risk: Consultation to inform Scotland’s
                                                                    Climate Change Adaptation Framework  available at http://
                    Carbon savings from wind farms                  Climate change annual report
                    Renewables should save carbon, but if wind farms are put  The government has presented its second annual report
                    up on peat soils then there is a risk of high carbon losses  on climate change, which assesses actions taken over the
                    through soil disturbance. This technical paper offers a  past year, in an international, European and national policy
                    methodology for calculating the savings and losses that  context. It focuses on key sectors, including energy,
                    can be expected. Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) and  transport, land use and waste as well as individuals and
                    the Scottish Environment Protection Agency, with a wide  the public sector and current adaptation measures, and
                    range of other stakeholders, including power generation,  provides a useful record of activities.
                    forestry and environmental interests, have been involved
                    in this project. The report includes an extensive  Scottish Government 2008  Scotland’s Climate Change
                    assessment of the current SNH guidance, from 2003. The  Programme: Second Annual Report, April 2007-March 2008
                    methodology includes direct and indirect losses of carbon  available at:
                    – the former from the excavated peat and the latter from  05/20102350/0
                    drainage and site disturbance. In future, the whole life
                    cycle carbon costs of the turbines themselves and the
                    backup source should be included in the calculations, as  Energy efficiency and microgeneration
                    should site restoration. The authors estimate that land
                                                                    The Halcrow Group was commissioned to carry out a major
                    management practices can keep losses from carbon
                                                                    piece of research into energy efficiency and
                    savings as low as 7 per cent, or as high as 40 per cent, so
                                                                    microgeneration in Scotland, and the results have now
                    there is a lot of scope.
                                                                    been published. It includes surveys of householders and
                                                                    organisations and some international case studies for
                    D Nyak  et al (University of Aberdeen / Macauley Institute)
                                                                    comparison, as well as a strategic policy analysis.
                    2008 Calculating Carbon Savings from Wind Farms on Scottish
                                                                    Unsurprisingly, the report finds that UK schemes have
                    Peat Lands - A New Approach  (Scottish Government
                                                                    greater economies of scale, and probably also unsurprising
                    publication) available at:
                                                                    is the fact that even where consumers have information,
                                                                    they do not necessarily choose to make the appropriate
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